GNLU Recruitment 2021 for head nurse, Junior Clerk ,Senior Clerk & Other Posts

savji chaudhary
3 minute read

 Institute name

Gujarat National Law University


Vacancy Advertisement Reference No. : GNLU/AD/FP-11/2021

કોમ્પ્યુટર વિશે ના પ્રશ્નો વિડીયો રૂપે સાંભળવા માટે અહિંયાં ક્લિક કરો 

ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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Sr. No. /Name of the Posts /Fixed Pay

Per Month (₹

1. Library Assistant


Essential Qualification :

i. A Master’s Degree in Library Science, Information Science or Documentation 

Science or an equivalent professional degree, with at least 55% marks (or an 

equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the grading system is followed).

ii. Minimum two (02) years of experience in the University Library.

2. Junior Clerk


Essential Qualification :

i. Any Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Institute/ University, or an equivalent 

degree from an accredited Foreign University;

ii. Excellent knowledge of functioning Computer system;

iii. Good communication skills;

iv. Fluency in the English language;

v. Minimum one (01) year of work experience in the University.

3. Senior Clerk


Essential Qualification

i. Any Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Institute/ University, or an equivalent 

degree from an accredited Foreign University;

ii. Excellent knowledge of functioning Computer system;

iii. Good communication skills;

iv. Fluency in the English language;

v. Minimum three (03) years of work experience in the University / Ex-Serviceman 

from Defence background.

4. Campus Facility Supervisor


Essential Qualification :

i. Diploma in any discipline from a recognized University/Institute;

ii. The candidate shall have more than ten (10) years of experience in construction 

and civil works supervising and in which at least two (2) years of experience shall 

be in the University;

iii. Good knowledge of AUTOCAD, Excel and MS Office.

5. Head Nurse

Salary :- 35,000/

Essential Qualification :

i. Master/Bachelor Degree/Diploma in Nursing from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized by the Government and valid registration Certificate;

ii. The candidate shall have more than ten (10) years of experience in working with any reputed Hospitals and shall have at least five (05) years of experience in the University.

 Application sending address

The application in the prescribed format alongwith relevant supporting 

documents should reach “The Registrar, Gujarat National Law University, 

Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba-Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382426,

India” by 5:00 PM on or before 15th December 2021 through Registered 

Post / Speed Post / Courier / In Person.

Last date form submission :- 15/12/2021

 List of the shortlisted candidate will be announced on the University website and also intimated to the shortlisted candidate on 16th December,2021 through email Id provided by the applicant in the application form.

The prescribed application form has been provided underneath theVacancy Advertisement on the Careers webpage of the University website i.e.

The shortlisted candidates are to visit the University for Personal Interview as per the schedule mentioned below:

Important date



Junior Clerk

Senior clerk



Library Assistant

Campus Facility 


Head Nurse 

Interview place


st Floor,

Orientation Hall, 



Gujarat National 

Law University, 


Reporting time

9:00 AM

(No candidate shall 

be considered for 

Personal Interview

after 09:15 AM)

 અવસાન પામેલ બિપીન રાવતની પ્રોફાઇલ વિશે જાણો


Important Links for GNLU  Recruitment 2021

Notification Application Form

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