Senior Tuberculosis laboratory Supervisor (STLS) Ranavav & Kutiyana recruitment 2021

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

 Walk in interview

NTEP Sub-Committee, District Tuberculosis Center, Porbandar for 11 months on a contract basis to fill the following vacancies with higher monthly salary (non-government)

Applicants with the required qualifications are requested to be present at the following place and time on 24/11/2021 along with complete biodata, 2 recent passport size photographs, original certificate of qualification and experience and self attested copy.

 Name of the post

Senior Tuberculosis laboratory Supervisor (STLS) Ranavav & Kutiyana

 Total vacancy :- 01

 Education qualification

1, Graduate + Diploma in Medical Laboratory technology or equivalent from govt. recognized institution.

2. Permanent two wheeler driving license & should be able to drive two wheeler.

3. Certificate course in computer operation (minimum two months) 4. Relevant Certificate in Original

👇ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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External qualification

Minimum one year experience in NTEP

 Salary per month



1. The appointment of contract staff will be subject to the decision of the Selection Committee as per the guidelines and TOR of NTEP.

2. Interview will be conducted every Monday till the above vacancy is not filled.

Place of interview:

District Tuberculosis Center, Near Nursing College, ST Road Porbandar.

Dt. 24/11/2021

Registration time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

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