GVK medical emergency staff recruitment in Gujarat 2021

savji chaudhary
1 minute read

 Walk-in interview GVK

G.V.k. EMRI RANCHA GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT ALL POWER NUMBER 10 EMERGENCY SERVICES TO ALL THE NEED CITIZENS OF THE STATE In which the recruitment of Emergency Medical Colleen on immediate basis has been arranged in the following districts.

 Name of the post

 Emergency medical technical

 Education qualification


 Name of the place

 Vadodara Collector Office Vadodara

 Panchmahal collector office Panchmahal

 Rajkot Municipal Corporation Rajkot

 Junagadh Jilla Panchayat Chauhan Junagadh

ગુજરાતનું એકમાત્ર મેડિકલ ફિલ્ડ ની માહિતી આપતો whatsapp group join now

 Surat Junior civil hospital Surat

 Valsad Civil Hospital Valsad

 Narmada collector office Narmada

 Himmatnagar Civil Hospital Sabar Kantha

 Interview time

 13 November 2021

 Interview place and time

-Ahmedabad GVK emergency district management & research institute,

-Gujarat 108 Emergency Management Center, Naroda Ahmedabad

 16 Narendra 2021

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