AMC Midwifery staff recruitment 2021

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

Institution Name



Second Floor, "Aarogya Bhavan", Old TB Hospital Compaund, Opp. Gita Mandir S.T. Bus Stand, Gita Mandir Road, Ahmedabad - 380022, Email ID Tel 079-25392185

Job period 

To fill the vacancies of midwifery staff on a totally temporary basis on the basis of 11 months contract

Name of post 

Candidates who are eligible to fill the vacancies of Midwifery staff for 24 x 7 Urban Primary Health Center under Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation on the basis of provisional standard 11 months contract and make it a waiting list. Will have to.

How to Apply? 

The application form for midwifery post, required qualification details and other details should be downloaded from the link of recruitments in Candidates with valid qualification should submit their name, address, age, educational qualification and experience in the prescribed format in a self-signed application form along with a certified copy of the required certificates.

*👇ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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Important date

By 24/11/2021 by 6:00 pm in person at the following address. If the application is received after the due date then the application will not be considered valid.

Place of sending application:

Urban Family Welfare Unit, 2nd Floor, Health Building, Old T.B. Hospital Compound, Old S.T. Opposite Bus Stand, Geeta Mandir Road, Near Astodia Gate, Jamalpur, Ahmedabad.

Advertisement :- CLICK HERE

Application form :- CLICK HERE

AMC Midwifery staff recruitment 2021

Important Link 

Official web site :- CLICK HERE

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