Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital recruitment for various post 2021

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

Institute name 

 Rogi Kalyan Samiti

Office of the Member Secretary (RKS)

Shri Vinoba Bhave Civi! Hospital


Rogi Kalyan Samiti invites application from eligible candidates for below

mentioned posts to be filled on Short term contract basis under Shri Vinoba

Bhave Civil Hospital,

 Last date of sub mission 

The application should reach the undersigned on or before 27/11/202'l

Job & Vacancies


Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital


Advertisement for the va various posts

Start Date : 15/11/2021

End Date:27/11/2022

*👇ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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Medical Officer(Ayush) 02

Not Exceeding

35 years


2. Completion of compulsory

rotating internship with 2

years of post-internship


Salary' :- 30,000/-

Dialysis Technician 01

Not Exceeding 30 years

H.Sc in Science from a

recognised Board or


2. Diploma/Certifi cate course

in Dialysis Technician.

Salary 18,900/-

Telemedicine Technician 01



27 years

Graduate with diploma in

Information Technology/

Computer Science/

Electronic & Communication

Salary 10,000/-

Experience: Minimum One

year of Experience in

Operation & tt/aintenance of

lT system.

Eligible and desirous candidates may forward their applications in the

prescribed format (download from website) to the Office of the ber

Sec rv (RKS). Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital. Silvassa -396230, with

one set of attested photocopy of educational qualification and experience

certificate. Details regarding eligibility, Recruitment rules, salary detaits and the

prescribed format of application are available on the official


dnh or www. vbch.dn h. n ic. in


1. No TA,/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

2. Application will be summarily rejected rf found deviant from the prescribed

format and required criteria without assigning any reason 3 The Member Secretary (RKS), Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital, Sitvassa

reserves the right to terminate the selection process without assigning a


Contact No. (0260) 2642940 4-

Website: &

www.vbch.dnh. nlc. in


Rogi Kalyan Samiti  Office of the Member Secretary (RKS)  Shri Vinoba Bhave Civi! Hospital

 Important link 

Advertisement pdf download :- CLICK HERE

Official site :- CLICK HERE

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