Community health officer recruitment in Gujarat 2021 | CHO recruitment in Gujarat

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

Regarding cancellation of recruitment advertisement,

Health and PK Branch, District Panchayat Office, Devbhoomi Dwarka (Khambhaliya)

To fill a total of 71 posts of Community Health Officer with fixed monthly remuneration on the basis of 11 months contract at Health and Wellness Center Sub Center approved under AYUSHMAN BHARAT PROGRAM

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Total 2 Newspapers dated 23/11/2021 (Sandesh-Rajkot edition and around Saurashtra-Jamnagar) Applications were invited from interested candidates by publishing an advertisement in However, since the general and divisional / central / by-election of Gram Panchayats has been announced, no further action can be taken in the recruitment process which is being implemented with the standard election code of conduct from 22/11/2021. Candidates should take note of this.

 Recruitment announcement

Health and PK Branch, District Panchayat Office, Devbhoomi Dwarka (Khambhaliya)

Total vacancy 

A total of 71 posts

Name of the post 

Community Health Officer

Job period 

are to be filled on fixed 11 months contract basis at Dell & Wellness Center Sub Center approved under Ayushman Bharat Program.

Important date 

Start date : 23/11/2021

Last date :- 29/11/2021

Education qualification

SIHFW with B.A.M.S / GNM / Nursing

Certificate Course in Community Health (Seed Course) conducted by Vadodara Boarded Government Accredited Institution (These candidates will be given recruitment criteria)


2. CCC) B.Sc Nursing and Post Basic B sc nursing courses from July 2020 onwards.

 Salary per month

25000 + 10000

The aspiring candidates for the aforesaid posts registered the application with the required certificates in the office working day-7 from the date of publication of this advertisement. Post / Speed Reg. It should be sent by post to the address given below.

How to Apply 

The main application form, conditions and bids and the list of certificates to be submitted for the above posts should be downloaded from the website of this office :- CLICK HERE

Address for sending application:

"Mission Director (HS) and Chief District Health Officer, Health and P.K. Branch, District Panchayat Office, District Seva Sadan Campus, Dharampur-Lalpur Road, At. Dharampur, Taluk / Post - Jamkhambhaliya, Dist. Devbhoomi Dwarka ”

Community health officer recruitment in Gujarat 2021 | CHO recruitment in Gujarat

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