NHM community health officer recruitment in Gujarat 2021

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

Name of the post 

Community Health Officer (CHO) Recruitment Announcement

 Name of the institution 

In Narmada district, under the National Health Mission, under the Lifelong India Health and Wellness Center Program,

 Total number of vacancy 

66 vacancies have to be filled in the sub-health center approved by the Community Health Officer (CHO)

 Job period 

 11 months on contract basis.

👇ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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As well as preparing a waiting list for future vacancies.

Interested candidates with qualification for the above post can apply from 22/11/2021 from 11.00 am to 05/12/2021 from 5.00 pm on the website of the Panchayat https: // narmadadp.gujarat.gov.in/gu/ The application form has to be filled in the link posted on home and the required qualification and guidance information for this recruitment has been posted on the website.

 Important instruction 

 No candidate will have to send an application in person by courier post which will take special note and merit list will be prepared based on the details given in Google form and if there is discrepancy in face to face verification in the details filled by the candidate then the application form of that candidate will be considered canceled. Which will be binding on the candidate.

NHM Age Limit :-

Maximum 40 Years.

NHM Location :-

Narmada, Gujarat, India

NHM Apply Mode :-

Apply Online

NHM Selection Procedure :-

Candidates will be selected based on merit.

NHM Important Dates :-

Online Application Start From : 22/11/2021
Online Application Last Date : 05/12/2021

 Important link 

Official Notification: Click Here

Apply Online: Click Here

NHM community health officer recruitment in Gujarat 2021

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