Gsrtc important news mechanical 12 post General Candidate 2021

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

 Matter of charging examination fee from non-reserved (General) category candidates who are eligible to appear in O.M.R.

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O.M.R. in different levels of the mechanical side of the corporation. Candidates in the category of Non-Reserved (General) out of the final merit list published on the Corporation's website on 21/06/2021 will be required to submit the written fee in addition to the examination fee of Rs. Charge Rs.12 / - M Total Rs.262 / - at any e-post office or Rs.250 / - in person at any divisional office of the corporation from 25/11/2021 to 04/12/2021 (of the office) During working hours). At the time of paying the examination fee, along with the xerox copy of the online application form with the application form number / confirmation number shown in the final merit list published on the website of the corporation, the fee has to be paid. Receipt along with the signature coin for payment of fee must be obtained and the receipt must be brought to the examination venue accurately. Examination fees will not be accepted from the candidates from any other source which should be noted by the concerned candidates. Names and addresses of all the divisional offices of the corporation for payment of examination fee have been published separately on the website of the corporation on 24/11/2021.

Important link

Gsrtc mechanical 12 post General Candidate-01.

Gsrtc mechanical 12 post General Candidate-02.

Gsrtc mechanical 12 post General Candidate-03.

Official website

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