AMC UHS medical officer recruitment 2021

savji chaudhary
2 minute read

 Institute name

 Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

 Name of the post.

Medical Officer (NTEP) Medical College

કોમ્પ્યુટર વિશે ના પ્રશ્નો વિડીયો રૂપે સાંભળવા માટે અહિંયાં ક્લિક કરો 

ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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Education qualification

MBBS or equivalent degree from institution recognized 02 Per Month

Essential by Medical council of india, Must have completed Medical Officer (NTEP) Medical College compulsory rotatory intership. Preferential

(1) Diplana/ MD/ Public Health PSM/ Community Medicine /CHA/ Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases

2. One Year experience in NTEP.

3. Basic knowledge of computers.

 Total vacancy :- 02

 Salary per month


Interview / verification date


Preference will be given to local candidates from Ahmedabad.

Unqualified and incomplete candidate applications within the time limit and applications will be considered disqualified.

Candidates will have to be present at the venue for the interview on their own.

Any postal application will not be accepted.

Registration will be from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The next candidate will not be allowed to sit for the interview.

Walk in Interview Address: - City TB Officer's Office, 2nd Floor, Arogya Bhavan, Old TB Hospital Campus, Opposite ST Depot, Astodia, Ahmedabad.

Important link

Application form


AMC UHS medical officer recruitment 2021

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