SSC recruitment for Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) posts 2022


 Name of the post 

Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff

Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2021

Essential Educational Qualifications (As on 30.04.2022):

9.1 The candidates must have passed Matriculation Examination or equivalent from a recognized Board.

 Important dates 

Dates for submission of online applications 22-03-2022 to 30-04-2022

Last date and time for receipt of online 

applications 30-04-2022 (23:00)

Last date and time for making online fee 


02-05-2022 (23:00)

Last date and time for generation of offline 

Challan 03-05-2022 (23:00)

Last date for payment through Challan (during 

working hours of Bank) 04-05-2022

Dates of ‘Window for Application Form 

Correction’ and online payment of Correction 


05-05-2022 to 09-05-2022 


Schedule of Computer Based Examination 

(Paper-I) July, 2022

Dates of Paper-II Examination (Descriptive) To be notified later

Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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2.1 Tentative vacancies for the posts are as under:

MTS : Will be intimated later

Havaldar in CBIC and CBN : 360

Nationality/ Citizenship:

5.1 A candidate must be either:

(a) a citizen of India, or

(b) a subject of Nepal, or

(c) a subject of Bhutan, or

(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st 

January,1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India, 


(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, 

Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United 

Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, 

Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Age Limit (As on 01-01-2022):

6.1 The age limits for the posts as per the Recruitment Rules of various 

User Departments are:

6.1.1 18-25 years (i.e. candidates born not before 02-01-1997 and not 

later than 01-01-2004) for MTS and Havaldar in CBN 

(Department of Revenue).

6.1.2 18-27 years (i.e. candidates born not before 02-01-1995 and not 

later than 01-01-2004) for Havaldar in CBIC (Department of 

Revenue) and few posts of MTS.

How to apply

10.1 Applications must be submitted in online mode at the website of the 

Commission i.e. For detailed instructions,

Application Fee:

11.1 Fee payable: Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only).

11.2 Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes 

(SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and Ex-

servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.

 Scheme of examination

 Paper 1 Computer Based examination

 English general 25/25

General Intelligence 

& Reasoning 25/ 25

III Numerical Aptitude 25/ 25

IV General Awareness 25/ 25

  Paper 2 descriptive

Short Essay and a Letter in 

English or in any language 

included in the 8th schedule of 

the Constitution. 



45 minutes (60 minutes 

for the candidates eligible 

for scribes as per Para 8.1 

and 8.2).

 Part 3 physical Efficiency Test

Walking 1600 meters in 15 

minutes. 1 Km in 20 minutes 

Cycling 8 Kms. in 30 minutes 3 Kms. in 25 minutes

 Physical standard



157.5 cms. (relaxable by 

5 Cms in the case of 

Garhwalis, Assamese, 

Gorkhas and members of 

Schedule Tribes)


Unexpanded: 76 cms

Minimum expansion: 5 cms



152 cms. relaxable by 2.5 

Cms in the case of 

Garhwalis, Assamese, 

Gorkhas and members of 

Schedule Tribes)


48 kg (relaxable by 2 Kg in 

the case of Garhwalis, 

Assamese, Gorkhas and 

members of Schedule Tribes

Mode of selection:

18.1 Minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I are as follows:

18.1.1 UR : 30%

18.1.2 OBC/ EWS : 25%

18.1.3 All other categories

 Important link

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