NRLM Recruitment of PRP (Professional Resource Person) Post 2022

Recruitment of PRP (Professional Resource Person)

Matter of selection of PRP (Professional Resource Person) of sisters connected with Sakhi Mandal living in rural area of Mahuva Taluka at NRLM Department, Taluka Panchayat Office, Mahuva.

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To be present in person for the following vacancies along with the original certificates and original copy required for giving appointment on contract basis for 11 months on a totally temporary basis,

Name of the place

PRP (Professional Resource Person)

Total number of

vacancies: - 08


(1) which is the first choice for the sisters of six months old and active self help group in that cluster.

Age limit 

(2)  aged 18 to 45 years.

 Education qualification 

(3) Study with at least 12 passes (50%),

(4) Widowhood, Disability, Preference to Sisters of Nomadic Liberated Community,

(5) The selected candidate will not be selected from any village development scheme.

(6) The above appointment should be prepared on a totally temporary basis for a period of 11 months (up to three years).

(7) In the cluster in which female candidate is not found as per qualification, male candidate will be selected but whenever female candidate is found, male candidate is released.

 Important date 

(8) Every woman and man wishing to apply in PHP (Professional Resource Person) on 28/02/2022 on Monday office hours till 18:00 hrs. Salary and performance will be stated in person.

NRLM Recruitment of PRP (Professional Resource Person) Post 2022

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