Psi ASi and IO final answer key declared 2022

   P.S.E. For the recruitment process of cadre, advertisements were given in the daily papers on 15/02/21 as well as instructions were given on the website and online applications were accepted on the website of OJAS from 16/03/21 to 31/03/21.

Due to the epidemic of physical test corona to be held in April-07/04/21 Naroj postponement has been announced on the website.

P.S.E. Candidates who have not been able to apply online during the time given earlier in the recruitment process of the cadre can apply online on the website of OJAS as per the instructions given below for the purpose of getting a chance.

Online applications will be accepted on JAS website from 01/10/21 (15:00 noon to 15/10/22 (11:59 pm).

(2) Candidates who have confirmed online application between 16/03/21 to 31/03/21 do not have to apply.

(3) Out of the candidates who have confirmed the online application between 16/03/21 to 31/03/21, if the general category candidates are left to pay the fee for any reason, the following issue no. Fees can be paid as stated in 6.

Name of the Post: PSI, ASI & Intelligence Officer

Advt. No. : PSIRB/202021/1

Exam Notification: Click Here

The exam was held on 06-03-2022

PSIRB/202021/1 - Preliminary Exam (OMR Based) - ગુજરાત પોલીસ દળમાં વર્ગ-à«© ની પો.સ.ઇ. કેડર - UPSI / APSI / IO / UASI

 Call letter download link :- CLICK HERE

PSI preliminary exam 

Question paper pdf download :- CLICK HERE

Question Paper solution :- CLICK HERE

Download your OMR SHEET :- CLICK HERE

 Exam date :- 06/03/2022

Click here to view Provisional Answer Key of 06/03/2022 Preliminary Examination taken for Naroj and for Objection / Submission .- CLICK HERE

PSIRB PSI Final Answer Key 2022 : Click Here