Human Dignity Scheme/manav grima yojana(Year 2021-22)

Manav grima yojana

eligibility Criteria 

Scheme Benefits / Assistance:

Icome limit

The standard of assistances 


 Eligibility Criteria Scheduled Caste

people who want to start a small business to get self-employment without taking a bank loan are provided assistance in the form of tool kits.

Ismo of Scheduled Tribes can get self-employment. They are given tool kits / tools as per the scheme.

Eligibility Criteria:

Annual income limit of ISM family of Scheduled Tribes is Rs. 5,000 / - in rural area and Rs. 5,000 / -

Scheme Benefits / Assistance:

Toolkits / tools are provided to the people of Anu tribe by Grimco Gandhinagar for various types of business.

Income limit

Rs.120000 / - per annum for rural area

Rs.150000 / - per annum for urban area

The standard of assistance

Assistance is provided in the form of tools / tool kits under the Human Dignity Scheme. Implementation of this scheme From 1/4/2018 through Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar.


The application has to be submitted in the prescribed form in the office of the Assistant Commissioner / Tribal Development in the prescribed form along with documentary evidence.

Institutions of scheme 

Hodge is implementing the hodgepodge of providing tool kits to the beneficiaries as per the rules for businesses / occupations of class, minority and nomadic castes. In which different toolkits will be given.

When to start filling out this form૫૨ from 12/07/21 from applicants who want to avail benefits under the said scheme and are eligible for the criteria laid down by the Government.

By what date will this form be filled out?

Applications are invited online till 31/07/21.

(1) Application for assistance in Manav Garima Yojana must be made online. The required documents along with the application will also have to be uploaded online. Incomplete application will be filed.

(2) The annual income of the applicant's family is Rs. 120000 and for urban area Rs. Should not be more than 150,000. (4) Income limit will not be applicable for nomadic-free caste as well as socially and educationally backward classes.

What form do people fill out this form?

(2) The age of the applicant should not be less than 18 years and not more than 60 years on the date of advertisement.

What if you have taken advantage of such a scheme before?

(3) In previous years, the applicant or his family members should not have received such assistance from this department or from any other department, agency or institution of the State of Gujarat.

How many family members benefit?

(2) The benefit of planning is available to only one person in the family at a time.

(3) If it is deemed necessary by the officer / employee of the district office, the original document should be shown for verification when requested.

If applied in 2020-21?

(2) If application has been made in the year 2020/21 and it has not been selected in the draw, the application can be made anew.

Compulsory training required?

(3) Preference will be given to applicants who have undergone government approved training for that profession.

Where to go to get complete information of this?

(10) Details regarding getting assistance in Manav Garima Yojana are given on After thorough study, the applicant will have to apply online. Also special information will be available from the office of the Deputy Director of the District, District Social Welfare Officer, (Developing Castes).

Contact us if you have any questions about this

(11) Decision of Director, Developing Caste Welfare Department, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar if any question arises regarding getting help in human dignity.

hereYou can Download The Application Form directly by clicking on the given here

Documents Required

The following documents are required while applying for the Manav Garima Yojana:-

  • Aadhar Card
  • Bank Details
  • Bank Passbook
  • BPL Certificate
  • College ID Proof
  • Income Certificate
  • Recent Passport Size Photograph
  • Residential Certificate
  • SC Caste Certificate
  • Voter ID Card