VMC Public health worker and field worker 2nd selection list 2022

 VMC Public health worker and field worker 2nd selection list 2022

Vadodara Municipal Corporation Health Department Malaria Free Gujarat-2022 Campaign Contract Based Recruitment Announcement

Malaria Free Gujarat-2022 of Health Department of Vadodara Municipal Corporation

Only મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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Name of the post

Public health worker

(A) Educational Qualification and Experience:

(1) Std. 12 pass and government approved sanitary inspector's course pass


Passed Government Recognized Multi Purpose Health Worker Course,

(2) For candidates who have previously performed field duty in the health department of Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Std.

(3) Computer Basic Course Pass,

(4) Preference to candidates having experience in health oriented work.

(5) Preference will be given to the candidate of Vadodara city.

(B) Monthly Remuneration Monthly Rs.11,550 / - (Higher)

(C) Age: Not less than 18 years and not more than 45 years on the date of advertisement.

Not more than 59 years from the date of advertisement for the candidates who have previously performed field duty in the Health Department of Vadodara Municipal Corporation. Candidates who are above 45 years of age can download the form from the website manually on 19/02/2022 by 4:00 pm at Health Department Head Office, Room No. 114, First Floor.

Khanderao Market Building, Rajmahel Road, Vadodara. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

(D) Term of appointment: 11 months on contract basis only totally

(G) The candidate may fill up the form in any one of the categories in any one of the zones, since one or more applications are considered, the application disqualifying the application will not be considered.

(F) Category wise Common A merit will be created according to which preference will be given if there is space in the zone selected by the candidate.

total vacancy: - 60

Name of the post

Field Worker

Total vacancy :- 415

(1) Educational Qualification and Experience:

(1) Pass at least Std 8

(2) Must be able to ride a bicycle.

(3) Preference to the candidate having experience in health oriented work

(4) Preference will be given to the candidate of Vadodara city.

(2) Monthly Remuneration: Monthly Rs.8,900 / - (Higher)

(3) Age not less than 18 years and not more than 45 years on the date of declaration,

Advertisement for candidates who have previously performed field duty in the Health Department of Vadodara Municipal Corporation

Not more than 59 years on date. Candidates who are more than 45 years of age can download the form from the website manually on 19/02/2022 by 4:00 pm at Health Department Head Office, Room no. 114, First Floor Khanderao Market Building, Rajmahel Road, Vadodara. Time

Applications received after the limit will not be accepted.

(4) Term of appointment: 11 months contract based on totally temporary basis

(2) Candidate can fill the form in any one of the categories in any one zone. If one or more applications are considered then the application disqualifying the candidate will not be considered.

(2) Category wise common merit will be created according to which if there is space in the zone selected by the candidate, preference will be given.

હાલ માં ચાલતી મેડિકલ ફિલ્ડ ની તમામ જાહેરાત વાંચવા અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો

(2) To get more details regarding the main recruitment, Extension No. Internal no. Information can be obtained by contacting at

Important link


Online apply

Official website

PHW Rejection List

Field Worker Rejecation list

 Provisional merit list

PHW Provisional Merit List

Field Worker Provisional Merit list

VMC Public health worker and field worker 2nd selection list 2022

Public Health Worker 2nd list

Field Worker 2nd list