GSRTC waiting list of driver for choice filling and call letter download 2022

 The driving test of the following candidates, which was postponed on 24/02/21, will be held on 03/08/21 at 8:30 am at Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation Automatic Driving Training Center, next to Meldi Mata Mandir, Adani c. N.G. Behind the pump, at Behrampura, Ahmedabad. Pursuant to which each candidate is asked to be present along with the application form along with the original certificates and a set of Xerox copies as per the checklist posted on the website of the corporation.

Pass for free travel in ST bus to and from the place of residence to Ahmedabad (for SCST caste candidates).

Download from and fill in the required details and show the conductor at the time of travel.

The attached sample of the Certificate of Experience attached herewith at Annexure-A Corporation's website

Fixed template included. It will have to be brought accordingly.

With the file created by arranging the documents as per the checklist placed on the Corporation's website

Will have to be brought.

The candidate has to pay the fee for the driving test in cash of Rs. 2 / - (Rs. Twenty five in number). Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes as well as Ex-Servicemen are exempted from paying the above fee Exemption from fee will be available only by submitting the discharge book of the soldier in the original certificate of the prescribed caste at the time of driving test as shown in the online application form.) Fee if the same category certificate is not submitted at the time of driving test before the date of online application

Will have to pay which will not be refunded.

 of the candidate will be measured by an automatic machine authorised by the corporation and the same height is valid.

Other than that, no other certificate for elevation will be accepted. Fixed height according to height measurement

Only a qualified candidate has a driving test.

Retest will not be taken under any circumstances. All the documents will be checked only if the candidate gets 2 or more marks in the driving test.

And having passed the driving test if he does not have the required qualifications or the required wage or the required details.

However, the application form will be rejected. "If you have filled more than one application form, your last filled application form will be accepted and its

The above driving test will have to be given only once.

Low merit

license will be backed up in the renewal and will result in a reduction in your Merit Marks.

If Marcus happens, your candidacy will be considered cancelled even if you have passed the driving test.

In only passing the driving test does not qualify for direct selection. 

You have been called for a driving test considering the details filled in the online application form filled by Narmo but you will not be able to take the driving test if your diving license is less than the prescribed 3 years. If you are not present on the same day, there is a second chance to let you take the driving test under any circumstances.

Will not be given.

Driver Document Checking.  CLICK HERE

Driver Document Verification List :CLICK Here

Last Chance For Absent Driver in Driver Test. CLICK HERE

Instruction for Driving Re-Test.CLICK HERE

Driver cut off merit for documents verification. CLICK HERE


Driver Test List of Website 3-8-2021 to 5-8-2021.CLICK HERE


Driver Test List of Website 3-8-2021.:CLICK HERE

 Check List for Driver Candidate CLICK HERE

Driver (Provisional) Selection & Waiting List.:- CLICK HERE

ST Candidate Vishleshan Committee Document Verification :- CLICK HERE

Driver Choice Filling 12-10-2021 To18-10-2021.


GSRTC waiting list of driver for choice filling and call letter download 2022

Waiting list of Driver for choice filling 15-6-2022.:- CLICK HERE

 Waiting list call letter 15/06/2022 :- CLICK HERE

Official web site :CLICK HERE