Ahemedabad cantonment board recruitment for Sanitary Inspector post 2022

 Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizen / Candidates only through speed / registered post for the under Mentioned post in Ahmedabad Cantonment Board, in the pay scale as given below:

 Name of the post

 Sanitary Inspector

 Salary per month

Pay scale: Rs.35,400/-(Level 6, Cell 1 of 7th Pay Matrix)

 Education qualification

(1) HSC or equivalent

(2) Minimum One year Diploma in Health Sanitary Inspector from

Govt approved educational institute or Minimum one year course of Health Sanitary Inspector from I.T.I. or from any other Govt

approved I.T.I. educational institute

(3) Basic knowledge of Computer as per Gujarat Civil Services

Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules - 1967

(4) Having sufficient knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi

Candidate has to possess training institute certificate / marksheet for basic knowledge of Computer as per State Govt General Administration Department Government Resolution No.CRR-10-2007-120320-G.P. dated 13-08-2008 and 18-03-2016 or Candidate has to possess certificate of any diploma/degree / certificate course regarding computer knowledge from Govt approved university or institute or Candidate has to possess certificates regarding computer as a subject in degree or diploma syllabus or Candidate has to possess certificate of Std 10 or Std 12 with computer subject. Candidate may apply even if he/she does not has above mentioned certificate at this stage. However, he/she will have to produce such kind of certificate in front of Recruitment committee before getting appointed, failing which, the candidate will not be eligible for getting appointment.

Age limit 

Educational qualification and age limit will be calculated as on date 01-04-2022.

Application Fee Application fee will be Rs.500/-(non refundable) for general and ex-servicemen candidates and Rs 250/- for Sc, ST, OBC and persons with benchmark disabilities to be paid through online payment (NEFT/RTGS) only. Details of NEFT is attached herewith.

Mode of Applications The application form duly filled in all respects should be

submitted in a closed cover super scribed with words, "Application for recruitment of

Sanitary Inspector" and addressed to the

Chief Executive Officer Office of the Cantonment Board

Nr. Camp Hanuman Temple,




Important date

The applications may be sent either by Speed post or Registered Post only so as to reach the above address by 05-05-2022.

The applications received after the last date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Date, Time & Venue of Written Examination: -

To be published on website https://ahmedabad.cantt.gov.in, at the time of written. test, the Candidates must bring Identity proof and recent passport size photographs with him/her along with original Admit Card, proof of Date of Birth and all education qualification certificates.

Exam Pattern: Two exams will be conducted i.e.

(i) Competitive Written Test (First Stage)

(ii) Computer Proficiency Test (Second Stage)

Important Link

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