Kendriya Vidyalaya shahibag various post recruitment 2022

savji chaudhary
3 minute read

 Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Shahibagh

M. R. Campus, Near Police Commissioner's Office, Ahmedabad

Tel: 079-25626493 Email:

Walk in Interview for Part Time Teachers

To prepare the schedule of part time teachers on purely temporary contract basis for the session 2022-23

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Only મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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selection process

Conduct of interview on 23.03.2022 and 24.03.2022 at 9:00 AM

It will be done in the school premises.

how to apply

Application form and other details are available on the website of the school

interview date

Dated 23.03.2022 Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics,

Trained Graduate Teacher of History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, Commerce, English, Hindi and

(TGTS)- English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Spoken English Date

interview date

24.03.2022- Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Computer Science and Primary Teacher (PRTs), Computer Instructor Pre Primary Teacher, Aya, Doctor, Nurse, Sports Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Music & Dance, Consultant (COUNSELLOR )

fom fill up last date

Interested candidates compulsorily fill their details in this google form by 20/03/2022.

Note:- On the day of interview all the candidates should bring original documents and their photocopy and 1 passport size photograph with them.

:- All the candidates must follow the Corona Guidelines.

Form Registration Information ::

Kendriya Vidyalaya No. Registration of reputed and registered firms supplying the following materials/services is proposed in the year 2022-23 in 1 Shahibagh, Ahmedabad Vidyalaya.

Lab Equipment and Chemicals (Sports and Sports Goods for Physics, Chemistry and Bio Lab, Stationery for School, Housekeeping/Protection, Security Services, Gardening Services, Hammock Ladders and Other Goods for Children's Park, Printing Material for School , Civil Warehousing Manufacture, Catering Peripherals (Hardware and Software Items), Furniture, Electrical Maintenance Work (Electrical Materials), Routine Medicines and Medical Equipment, Teaching Aids Materials, Scout and Guide Materials, Accommodation (Beds, Bedsheets etc.), Dance Library Books & Magazines, Maths Lab, Appliances, CCTV, Water Cooler, RO Plant, TV, Printer, Copier, Computer Camera, Carpenter & Plumber Services and Plumbing Material Pipes, Water Tank, Toilet Commode), Transport Services (Bus & Invites applications for registration for supply of Car) and Canteen Services.

Registration of firms with interested firms, registration of GST/IT/TAN/VAT/TIN/PAN etc. experience documents, they can get the registration form from the school office on all working days. , Applicants can fill the details of the firm for registration and registration from the school website by post or by themselves till 30.03.2022 and submit it to the office during school timings.

હાલ માં ચાલતી અન્ય મેડિકલ ફિલ્ડ ની સરકારી ભરતી માટે અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો

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