HC recruitment of 'Court Attendant / Office Attendant / Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant exam fee refund notification 2022

savji chaudhary
1 minute read

Detailed announcement of 26/02/2022 for filling up of 38 vacancies in Gujarat High Court through direct recruitment of 'Court Attendant / Office Attendant / Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-4)'.

All concerned candidates are hereby notified by the Gujarat High Court

Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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Advertisement with Sequence No. 1, which was canceled from Sequence No. 2,

If they have successfully applied and paid the required examination fee, they will be refunded their examination fee

Is coming.

To get the examination fee refund, go to portal https://hc-ojas.gujarat.gov.in from 14/03/2022 (2:00 pm) to 31/03/2022?

9:00 pm)

During the period, the candidate


Fee Refund Application

By clicking on the button, the information / details required in the online application should be filled carefully.

Before filling in the bank information / details of the bank account in which the candidate wants to get the examination fee refund, read the required instructions carefully by clicking on the "Instructions / Help" link and fill in the details within the time limit given above.

Candidates should pay special attention to the fact that only those candidates who have filled in the required details as per the above method within the stipulated time limit, i.e., 31/03/2022 by 6:00 pm, the examination fee will be refunded.

 Notification:- CLICK HERE

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