Gpssb recruitment for mukhya sevika and gram Sevak posts 2022

 Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar

Panchayat Service Class-3- Direct Recruitment Announcement

Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, Gandhinagar for selection of candidates for the following posts of Panchayat Seva Class-3 by direct recruitment to the following posts.

Important date

Online application forms are requested from 30/03/2022 to 15/04/2022.

For this the candidate has to apply online on the website during the relevant period. Detailed advertisement for direct recruitment of the respective cadres. Age limit Educational qualification, How to apply online How to pay the fee Detailed advertisements showing the terms and conditions of the notice have been placed on the notice board of the board as well as on the board's website er = and shL it it ov.inh.

Only મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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Advt No .15 /202122

 Name of the post

 Gram Sevak

 Total number of vacancy


Education qualification 

Rule 3(b) (i)

A candidate shall possess -

(a) Bachelor of Rural Studies (except Bachelor of Rural 

Studies in Home Science)/B.Sc.(Agriculture) / B.E. 

(Agriculture)/ B.Sc. (Horticulture) degree obtained from 

any of the Universities established or incorporated by or 

under the Central or a State Act in India ; or declared to 

be deemed as a University under section 3 of the 

University Grants Commission Act,1956 ; or

(b) Diploma in Agriculture or Horticulture or Agriculture 

Engineering or Agro-processing or Polytechnic Diploma in 

Agriculture Co-operation Banking and Marketing 

obtained from any of the Agriculture Universities 

incorporated or established by or under the Central 

Agriculture Universities Act or a State Agriculture 

Universities Act in India;”

Rule 3(b)(ii)

A candidate shall possess the basic knowledge of computer 

applications as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services 

Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules,1967; and

Rule 3(b)(iii)

A candidate shall possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or 

Hindi or both.

Age limit

A candidate shall not be less than 18 years and not be more than 36 years of age

Salary per month


 Examination syllabus

General Awareness and General 

Knowledge  20 GUJARATI

2. Gujarati Language and Grammar 15 GUJARATI

3. English Language and Grammar 15 ENGLISH

4. Questions assessing the requisite 

knowledge for the job and technical 

knowledge with regard to the 

educational qualification.

Advt No .14 /202122

 Name of the post

 Mukhya sevika

 Total number of vacancies


Education qualification

ule 3(b)

A Candidate shall possess-

(i) a Bachelor’s degree or as the case may be a 

Master’s degree in Home Science or 

Sociology or Child Development or Nutrition 

or Social Work obtained from any of the 

Universities established or incorporated by 

or under the Central or a State Act in india; or 

any other educational institutions recognized 

as such or declared to be deemed as a 

University under section 3 of the University 

Grants Commission Act, 1956; 

(ii) the basic knowledge of computer application 

as prescribed in the Gujarat civil Services 

Classification and Recruitment (General) 

Rules 1967;

(iii) adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Age limit

A candidate shall not be more than 38 years of age

 Salary per month


 Application fee

 Only general category Pay fees

 Udhar category no fees

Examination syllabus

General Awareness and 

General Knowledge

Gujarati Language and 


English Language and 


Questions assessing the 

requisite knowledge for the 

job and technical knowledge 

with regard to the 

educational qualification

General Awareness and General Knowledge” include questions related to –

1. General Mental Ability and General Intelligence.

2. History of India and History of Gujarat.

3. Cultural heritage of India and Gujarat.

4. Geography of India and Geography of Gujarat

5. Sports.

6. Indian Polity and the Constitution of India.

7. Panchayati Raj. 

8. Welfare schemes of Gujarat State and Union Government.

9. Indian Economy and Planning.

 10. General Science, Environment and Information & Communication 


 11. Current affairs of Regional, National and International Importance.

NOTE: The question papers shall be of objective type MCQs(multiple choice 


Note: - (1) Mandar may increase or change the number of the above vacancies as and when required subject to the instructions of the Government.

(Ii) The Board reserves the right to do so in the event of a need to change or cancel the recruitment process for any reason in this advertisement and the Board shall not be bound to give reasons for this.

(3) Candidates are asked to confirm the online application by filling in the prescribed details in the online application form with sufficient verification as soon as possible as they do not have to wait till the last day to apply online. Is.

 Important link

Mukhya sevika advertisement

Gram Sevak advertisement

Apply online

Download mukhya sevika previous years question paper

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