Gpssb extension officer download question paper 2022

  Gujarat Panchayat Seva Pasedi Mandal

Stockman 5th Floor Karmayogi Bhavan, Sector-10 gadhinagar

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Announcement regarding download of competitive parita collator Gujarat Panchayat Seva Pasandgadh Mandal, Gadhinagar will be conducting competitive examination in the following categories in March 2022. Candidates for this examination are required to download, print and obtain the Chaita Admission Form-cum-Attendance Form (Colletterhale Ticket) and accompanying instructions from the Ojas website during the period prescribed for that examination

Advertisement number


 Name of the post

 Extension Officer (Agriculture) (Class-II)  class 3

 Exam date


 Exam time

11 -00 to 12 -30 in the morning

 Call letter download period

15/03/2022 to 26/03/2022

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Download Download your call letter :- CLICK HERE

 Download question paper :- CLICK HERE


View your OMR sheet :- CLICK HERE

Download more question paper  :- CLICK HERE

Important instruction 

(1) The candidate should carefully read the instructions given on and behind the collator letter and strictly implement it.

(3) Candidates will not be admitted at the examination center on the day of examination except for the print copy of the collator admission card downloaded as above. Each candidate should take special note of this.

(3) Candidates in general category who have paid the fee at the post office but the collator is not downloaded for any reason. At least three days before the date of examination, on the office working day, to make face to face contact.