Gujarat Urban Health Project recruitment for medical officer post 2022

 Advertisement Gujarat Urban Health Project (Surat)

Candidates with the following qualifications for the purpose of filling up the following vacancies on contract basis for 11 months at Urban Health Society Surat and making a waiting list for future vacancies to start patient clinic in Sam (slum) area of ​​Surat Municipal Corporation area under Urban Health Mission of Gujarat. On the date

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Only મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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 Interview address 

2nd Floor, Primary School no. 134 Kot Safeel Road, Next to Apna Bazar, Above Government Ayurvedic Clinic, Kawapura, Bhagal, Surat

 Interview time 

(11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during office hours)

Original certificates as well as certified copies (such as school leaving certificate, all year marksheet, degree certificate, registration certificate, IDP, passport size photograph) must be applied for.

Approved candidates will have to report for the interview later by telephone or message and will have to appear in person at the personal interview.

Candidate who fails to appear for the interview on the stated date and time will not be eligible for appointment.

 Interview date

21/02/2022 and 22/02/2022

Name of the post

Medical officer

Total vacancy :- 68

Salary per month :- 30000/-

Education qualification


Must be registered with The Gujarat Medical Council

AGE LIMIT :- not more then 58 year


(1) The service of Radar Deendayal Clinic should be provided from 5 pm to 9 pm.

(2) If there is a medical need, a para-medical staff may be retained as per his requirement, the entire berth of which may be borne by the selected doctor himself and the necessary medical examination equipment may be arranged by the doctor at his own cost. No financial assistance will be available from the state government or corporation in this regard.

(3) The medical officer selected under this scheme shall give to the selection officer the place, time and contact details of his private business. The medical officer said there would be a reduction in business hours except for working hours at the Urban Health Clinic.

(4) As a medical practitioner the doctor will be preferred over the local private practice in the area.

Note: Candidates must strictly adhere to the guideline of Covid-19,

હાલ માં ચાલતી મેડિકલ ફિલ્ડ ની તમામ જાહેરાત વાંચવા અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો

Gujarat Urban Health Project recruitment for medical officer post 2022

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