RMC various engineer post recruitment 2021

savji chaudhary
4 minute read

Announcement regarding Rajkot Municipal Corporation recruitment

Important date 

To fill the vacancy in Rajkot Municipal Corporation as given below on Friday 17/12/2021

Till now applications are invited only through online medium (www.m.gov.in).

કોમ્પ્યુટર વિશે ના પ્રશ્નો વિડીયો રૂપે સાંભળવા માટે અહિંયાં ક્લિક કરો 

ગુજરાતમાં મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ અને અપડેટ ની માહિતી આપતું એકમાત્ર whatsapp group*


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Post Name

Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil)

Assistant Engineer (Civil)

Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)

Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil)

Ex-serviceman reserve for Assistant Engineer (Civil) post: 01 (one) post out of total post.

For reserved class and women reserved class candidates will be given 5 (five) years concession in upper age limit and if reserved class female candidate will apply for reserved class place then they will be given 5 (five) years concession and 5 (five) years women reserve total 10 (ten). ) Year discount will be given. As per the norms of the Government, there will be a maximum limit of 3 years. The upper age limit will not be applicable to the employees of Rajkot Municipal Corporation

education qualification

Candidates with B.Tech (Civil) and B.Tech (Mechanical) qualifications can also apply in the said category.

The experience required for the post of Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil) of the said rank-01 will be considered valid.

For qualification of the said cadre, pay scale, age limit and other related information, download Annexure-A (Instruction Sheet) from the website www.rne gov.in and get the details.

Computer Qualification:

As per the provision of Rule-3 (1A) of Gujarat Civil Service Classification and General Rules of Recruitment-12, a certificate of having basic knowledge of computer application has to be submitted. Resolution No. of the General Administration Department of the Government dated 19/06/2009: CRR-10-2009-12050 G.P. The syllabus shown in accompanying Form-1 has been declared as Basic Knowledge of Computer. Candidate should have adequate knowledge of Gujarati and Hindi.


Candidate for admission in the examination (a) Citizen of India or (b) Citizens of Nepal (c) Bhutanese

People or (d) Exiles of Tibet who came to India before 01/01/16 with the intention of settling permanently in India or (i) Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries - Kenya, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Malawi, Zer, Ethiopia, United, An Indian person who has migrated from the Republic of Tanzania and intends to reside in India permanently, but only persons of type (b) to (f) are eligible for appointment if they have obtained a certificate of eligibility from the Government of Gujarat. Candidate for this post is a native of Gujarat State and Gujarat

Must be a state domicile.

Important Notes for Candidates to Consider While Applying Online:

The details filled in by the candidate in the online application form will be considered final for the entire recruitment process and the proof (along with certified copies) will have to be submitted when required by the Rajkot Municipal Corporation. Changes in the details and proofs filled in the online application form during the verification or

If there is a discrepancy, the candidature will be considered void.

Non-reserved and non-reserved women candidates will have to deposit Rs.500 / - (five hundred) for examination fee and other category candidates will have to deposit Rs.50 / - (two hundred and fifty full) for examination fee only online from the website of Rajkot Municipal Corporation. This application fee will be accepted only through online net banking. After paying the application fee, the candidate can submit his application no. And the transaction ID must be saved. No refund will be given after payment of application fee. Application without payment of fee will be eligible for cancellation. Candidates who do not pay the application fee will not be allowed to sit in any of the written examination screening test oral interviews as per the procedure prescribed by the Appointing Officer.


Important link

Advertisement and Apply online :- CLICK HERE

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