Uttam dairy driver and field superviser post recruitment 2021

Name of institution

Ahmedabad District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd.

"Uttam Dairy" Ahmedabad. Should

Name of the post 

1. Drivers (for heavy vehicles)

Education Qualification:

Candidate should have at least standard 10 pass, strong build and heavy vehicle license and base as well as experience in driving heavy vehicles. Preference will be given to those who have experience driving all types of vehicles.

Name of the post 

Field Supervisor (for Cooperation Development / Milk Procurement Department)

Education Qualification:

Candidate having graduated pass from a recognized university / institute


The co-operative should have at least three years of experience in field operations or as a co-operative milk society manager.

App. Age limit for 1st and 2nd year 30 years (Candidate with more experience will be given relaxation in age limit.)

Candidates with the above qualifications and interest should write all the required qualifications and experience certificates, xerox of Aadhaar card and passport size photograph along with mobile number along with full details on the application cover for the place they have applied for.

sending address

 E. Managing Director, Uttam Dairy, Near Sukhramnagar, Gomtipur, Ahmedabad-21

important date

Advertisements must be received within 7 (seven) days of publication.

last date 21/10/2021

Uttam dairy driver and field superviser post recruitment 2021

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