District Rural Development Agency recruitment Banaskantha 2021

Address sending letter 

District Rural Development Agency, Banaskantha Jorawar Palace Compound, B.C. Palanpur


Under the Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural) scheme run by District Rural Development Agency, Banaskantha, Palanpur, the following vacancies have to be filled with 11 months contract based fixed salary.

Last date to Apply 

Application from RPAD by 27/10/2021. Are asked to send.

 Name of the post

Block Coordinator

Cluster Coordinator

 Education qualification

Graduate in Mass Communication / Social Science / Rural Studies


 5000 and 7000/-

 Total vacancy  :- 14

How to Apply 

The candidate has to apply within the stipulated time limit along with self-certified certificates of qualification and experience, recent passport size photos from the stated details.

Advertising pursuance shall have the right of the appointing authority regarding the selection of the candidate.

Salary will not be more than the fixed fixed salary per month.

Selection mode 

Candidates who are not selected as part of the permanent recruitment process will not be able to sue or sue for a permanent job in the future.

 General instruction 

RPAD Except and the application which is out of time will be eligible for cancellation.

Candidates who have been dismissed earlier due to any irregularity will not be appointed.

Cody will have the right to cancel / change the advertisement in unavoidable circumstances.

District Rural Development Agency recruitment Banaskantha 2021
Credit :- sandesh 

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