RMC Recruitment Apprentice Posts 2021

 Rajkot Municipal Corporation

Announcement of recruitment under Apprenticeship Scheme

In Rajkot Municipal Corporation under Apprenticeship Act-1961 and Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship Scheme, 637 vacancies in various trades can be filled only from online candidates (www.rmc.gov.in).

Important date

Dt.18 / 10/21 to Dt.30 / 10/21

Requests are solicited in the meantime.

Eligibility: - Must have passed the course from a government recognized ITI in that trade.

Note: More details about MaruGujarat.net Apprentice Recruitment are available on Rajkot Municipal Corporation website www.rmc.gov.in with Annexure-A.

Apply Online :- CLICK HERE

More Details: Click Here

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