AIIMS recruitment 2021 | Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 2021

Exam type Online Application is invited for the Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 2021

Post name for the recruitment of Nursing Officer

Salary posts at Level 07 in the Pay Matrix pre-revised Pay Band-2 of Rs.9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-, Group-B for AIIMS 

New Delhi and other AIIMS as per available vacancies in the respective Institutes

Essential Qualification

a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing 

Council/state Nursing council recognized Institute or University


B.Sc. (Post-Certificate) / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing 

Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute/ University.

b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife with State / Indian Nursing Council

Age Limit: 

1. For all AIIMS: Between 18-30 Years. (As per detail on Age relaxation given in General Conditions subject to age Relaxation as per Recruitment rules of respective Institutes/Hospitals.)

All age shall be counted on the last date of closing of application 

A) General/OBC Candidates - Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only)

B) SC/ST Candidates/EWS - Rs.2500/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Hundred only)

C) Persons with Disabilities - Exempted

Important date 

Online start date 16.10.2021 to On-line portal for application will be closed by 05:00 PM on 30.10.2021. 

Scheme of Examination

a) The duration of the examination shall be 3 hrs. (180 minutes).

b) 200 MCQs of 200 marks with four alternatives for each question. (180 MCQs related to subject, 20 MCQs related to General Knowledge & Aptitude)

c) There will be negative marking of 1/3 marks for each wrong answer. 

d) The qualifying marks in Recruitment Examination will be 50% for UR/EWS, 45% for OBC and 40% for SC & ST.

e) For PWBD additional 5% relaxation will be given irrespective of the category.

Accordingly, qualifying marks for PWBD will be as follows UR/EWS-


The syllabus will be in accordance with education qualification and experience as mentioned in the Eligibility Section/Advertisement

AIIMS recruitment 2021 | Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test  (NORCET) 2021

Important links 

Important date :-CLICK HERE

Advertisement :- CLICK HERE

Online Apply :- CLICK HERE

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