GSSSB Economic Investigator, Technical Assistant and Mines Supervisor result 2021

 Mandal's J.S. (1) 164 / 201819-

 Economic Investigator,

(3) 166 / 201819- Competitive written examination of Technical Assistant,

Class-3 cadres as well as Dt. The second phase of Computer Proficiency Test held on 26/06/21- M combined test list of candidates placed in the selection / waiting list at the end of both the tests as well as the candidates who were absent / disqualified.  :- CLICK HERE

Mandal's J.No.148/201819 -

Mines Supervisor, Class-3 Cadre

Competitive Written Test of First Phase Candidates who have been placed in the selection / waiting list at the end of the second phase of Computer Proficiency Test conducted on 21/10 / as well as the list of disqualified candidates who have not been placed in the selection / waiting list :- CLICK HERE

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