BAMS yoga post recruitment nadiyad goverment hospital 2021


Mrs. MC Patel Government Ayurveda Hospital, Piplata, Ta, Nadiad Dist. Kheda

Posted in "Yoga Expert"

vacancy 1 (a)

service period for 11 months

Monthly Fixed Salary Rs.15000 / - (Fifteen Thousand)

Candidates with the following educational qualifications who want to make appointment on contract basis at the rate should submit their application at the address given below. On 22/10/2021, the registration has to be sent from A.D. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered valid.

Yoga specialist educational qualification

(1) B.A.M.S, Doctor of Ayurveda as well as an expert who is registered with the Ayurveda Council as well as has knowledge about yoga as well as experience as a yoga expert will be given first preference.

(2) B.s.c. Ching /M.S.C from recognized institutes. Yoga or Post Graduate Diploma Yong from Gujarat Ayurveda University

(2) Age should be between 19 to 45 years. (Dt. 22/10/2021)

Application Form ::

(1) Name

 (2) Address

(2) E-mail - Phone / Mobile Number

 (4) Date of birth

(5) Copies of educational qualification (6) Registration number

(7) Details of the study of yoga

(8) Details of experience about yoga

(2) Candidate's signature

Certificate of enclosure with application (in two verified copies)

(1) B.S.C. Thing /M.S.C.Yoga /B.A.M.S./B.S.A.M. Copy of last year's marksheet, degree certificate registration, certificate of study of yoga and certificate of experience of yoga

Address for sending application:

Mrs. MC Patel Government Ayurveda Hospital,

Piplata, Ta, Nadiad G. Kheda Pin No .: 387355, Phone: (0268) 2579586

BAMS yoga post recruitment nadiyad goverment hospital 2021
Source - Sandesh news 

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