(Uttam Dairy) Recruitment for Driver Post 2021

Ahmedabad District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd.

"Uttamderi" Ahmedabad

Required - Drivers (for heavy vehicles) Candidates should have at least standard 10 pass, strong build and heavy vehicle license and base as well as experience in driving heavy vehicles. First of all, the experience of Haridwa will also be given priority to Nan. Will be given.) वरे. Relaxation in planting


Age limit: 50 years (those with more experience

Candidates with the above qualifications and interest should write all the certificates, certificate of experience, Xerox of license and Aadhaar card and passport size photograph along with mobile number and complete application details with "Application for driver's post" on the cover. Must be sent within 7 (seven) days of receipt.

Ta. 2-4-2021

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