Sumul dairy requirements

Post name : M.B.A. - Marketing

Appropriate educational qualification to work for Sumul Dairy, Surat as well as its other units
The following category wise men are wanted.
Joey's Name Qualification Experience
MBA Marketing in Central University Pass in 2 years of Marketing

Post name 
B.Sc. - Chemistry

Joey's Name Qualification Experience
B.Sc. (Chemistry) In the middle university pass in 5 years in Dairy.

Post name     M.Sc. - Chemistry
                       M.Sc. - Microbiology
                       Fitter / Wireman

Joey's Name Qualification Experience
Fitter / Wireman ITI Pass

For apply - Click here
For details - Click here

About Sumul
    Sumul or Surat Milk Union Limited, which is now renamed the Surat District cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd., is one of the 17 regional links that will act as the milk production unit in Gujarat cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, the marketing arm of Amul. Surat district, and was a pioneer in India in the direction of the trade, including Cotton, and Milk co-operatives. Prior to SUMUL the arrival date, the field has been dominated by the traditional private milk traders. Private trade is monopolized in the Milk market, and the exploitation of both the Producers and the Consumers of the Milk. 
        The price for their milk, which is determined by the traders, the traditional bhatiyas), it was very, very low, and, from time-to-time, they decided to create their own understanding. They have taken advantage of the lack of infrastructure and processing capacity, and have been able to deter the producers, the record of the real benefit is the creation of a market for the surplus. Their milk income is very low, and they didn't have the motivation to create a modern instagram au pair. Farmers  in this system, however, they were helpless in the face of these traditional limits, and their own lack of resources.