mportant Instruction for Downloading Call Letter for Second Phase Computer Proficiency Test of Technical Assistant, Class-III Cadres

 Congregation J.S. (1) 15/201617 - Additional Assistant Engineer (Electrical) (2) J.S. 19/201617 - Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil) (2) J.S. 19/201617 - Laboratory Assistant (2) J.S. 120/201617 - Mechanic (2) J.S. 19/201617 - Economic Investigator (2) J.S. 19/201617 - Important Instruction for Downloading Call Letter for Second Phase Computer Proficiency Test of Technical Assistant, Class-III Cadres

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A Computer once meant a person who did computations, but now the term almost universally used in computerized electronic equipment. In the first part of the paper is devoted to the modern electronic devices in the design of the identification and use. The second part is devoted to the history of science. For more information on computer architecture, software, and theory, see 

Foundations of computer science 

The first computers were used primarily for numerical computing. However, given that all of the information that can be encoded in the numbers of people quickly realized that computers are capable of processing general information purposes only. Its ability to handle large amounts of data is large, and the range and accuracy of the forecast. With their speed, they were able to make a decision on the construction of the calls on the network, and the control of mechanical systems, such as machinery, nuclear reactors, and the robotic surgical instruments. They are also inexpensive enough to be integrated into appliances, and a smart, rice, cooking, washing and drying machines. The Computers we were able to ask and answer questions that previously could not be solved. These questions may be related to the DNA sequence of a gene, the patterns of activity in the market and of the consumer, or for the use of the word in the text which are stored in the database. More and more computers are able to learn and adapt if they are to work. 

Computers have limitations, some of which are theoretical in nature. For example, there are undecidable propositions, the truth of which cannot be defined as a set of rules, such as the logical structure of a computer system. There is not a universal algorithmic method for the detection of such an error.??????????, a computer that has been offered to the truth of this phrase, that is, not unless the violence is interrupted, will continue for an indefinite period of time, a condition that is referred to as a" problem " (see above), and other limitations of the current state of the art. The human mind is to be able to identify spatial structures, for example, it is easy to distinguish between human faces, but it is a difficult task for the systems that are required for the information to be processed sequentially instead of storing data in a single glance. Another area of computers, it is in the natural language interaction. Since human communication is, therefore, a lot of general knowledge and contextual information, and the researchers still have to deal with the problem of providing the right information, and general-purpose natural language programs. 

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Analog computers 

Analog computers have a continuous physical quantity to represent quantitative information. At first, they were a measure of the mechanical components (see the differential analyzer, and is the systems integrator), but it was after the second world War, and in the excitement, began to be used, and, to the mid-1960s, digital computers to largely replace them. However, computers are analog, and some of the hybrid digital-to-analog-based systems were still in use until the mid-1960s, in tasks such as model aircraft and space flight. 

One of the advantages of analog computing is that it is relatively simple to design and build an analog computer to solve a problem. Another advantage is that in analog computers, which can be used in the solving of problems in the "real-time" mode, that is, to make the calculations have been carried out at the same rate as the system of objects. Their main disadvantages are that the analog view is limited in the accuracy after a few more decimal places, but is less complex machinery, general-purpose equipments, expensive, and difficult to model. 

Digital computers 

In contrast, analog computers, and the computers that store the information in a discrete form, it is usually considered as a sequence of 0 and 1 (binary digits, or bits). In the modern computer era began in the late 1930's and early 1940's in the United States of america, the united Kingdom and Germany. Be the first devices to make use of switches are controlled by electro-magnets (the relay). They are stored in ?????????? or a cardstock.