GPSC Police Inspector (Advt. No. 110/2019-20) final stage result declared 2021

 GPSC/201920/110 - Call Letter for PET/PST - Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2

Important Notice regarding the PET/PST for Advt. No. 110/2019-20, Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2

GPSC PI Call Letter 2020-2021 OJAS Gujarat police inspector Unarmed, Class A-2 Physical Test PET PST), as well as Healing and Strengthening the Exam Date and Call Letter Download, 2021: GPSC Maru Gujarat police inspector Grade 2, and the Call Letters of the 2021 Recruiting the Physical Test, Main Exam ojas.gujarat. canadian province of british columbia. OR Check it out, GPSC police inspector Recruitment 2019-20 Preliminary Examination, Physical (PST PET) Дата, Main Exam (the MT), the Dates and the GPSC, PI hall Ticket/Admit Card 2021, the supply of the latest update, breaking news. You can also get the OJAS GPSC, PI, Calls a Letter in 2021, the link for you to download. 

OJAS GPSC, PI, Physical, and most Important Exam of the History of the 20 And 21: the Gujarat Public Service Commission's view, please register immediately in order to fill out a 40-police inspector jobs (Unarmed), Class-2 Positions, 2020. The physical Performance of the Tests in/Test and Physical Measurement (PETT PST) for GPSC, PI 2019-20, the set is scheduled to be hanging from April 22 to 26, 2021 (deferred), and the Main exam will be determined in the of the xix and xx, 20 and 21. The latest Announcements about the Gujarat police inspector Physical Test/Master's Degree, the Date, the time and Date of 2021 at the latest, to the presentation of valid online only. Announced date for the GPSC PI exam is in 2021, and We are up to date on this. 

GPSC PI, Admit Card 2021: A call letter for the GPSC police inspector Physical Test PET PST), and the Treatment and Rehabilitation of the Graduate in 2021, is expected to 7 to 8 days prior to the assessment. The office in order to download the Gujarat police inspector Grade 2 passes in 2021, will be accessible on the web, on the Office's web site A direct link to download the Gujarat Police on the PI Call Letter, in 2021, it will be shown below, right here. 

GPSC police inspector Admit Card [ Call Letters ] 2020/2021 Exam Dates and Direct link 

Gujarat Public Service Commission 

The titles of police inspector (Unarmed) Class-2 

The Number Of The 40-Available Services 

The selection of a Primary Degree, Physics, Testing, and a Written Exam, and Interview 

Pre Exam date-January 03, 2021 

The test dates are between 22 and 26 April, 2021 (postponed) 

The final exam date is June 19 and 20, 2021 

Go To The Map, Download It Here Soon 

PET, PST, Deferred Messages, please Click here 

The physical and Basic, Notification, Exam Date, Click Here 

The official Website of gpsc.gujarat.canadian province of british 

Features : 

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West Bengal SSC is the first SLST 2020, exam results 2021 

In the past 

WHITE: a Little bit of a Supervisor Exam Hall Booking 2021 


WHITE Havildar Card Matter in 2021, the Security Officer, the Small-Inspector Dates of the Exam the Tickets, entrance Hall 

Click here to download call latter

For the posts of Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-II, the Commission has published the advertisement number: 110/201920. In the syllabus published in the syllabus, the main examination question paper-2 English subject topic no. 04 - Press Appeal (15 Marks) is repeated and is replaced by the following topic. Relevant candidates are requested to take note.

(04) WRITING ON VISUAL INFORMATION (in about 150 words):

Write report / note / interpretation / observation / analysis on a graph / image / flow_Chart / table of comparison / simple statistical data etc,

Important Notice regarding the change in the dates of Mains Written Examination Click here

List of Eligible Candidates for Mains Examination of Advt. No. 110/2019-20, Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2 :CLICK HERE

Important Notice regarding Mains Written Examination Application Form Filling and Uploading Documents CLICK HERE

Document Upload  : CLICK HERE

Important Notice to Download Call letter of Mains Written Examination

Maina exam Call letter Download :CLICK HERE

Main exam paper
Date - 27/08/2021

Question paper - CLICK HERE

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview (Main Exam Result): Click Here

Interview Schedule :- CLICK HERE

Addendum List of Eligible Candidates for Interview :- CLICK HERE

Call latter download :- CLICK HERE

Final Stage   110/2019-20 Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2  result :-CLICK HERE

To View your obtained marks in the Mains Written Examination (held on 23 & 25.08.2021) and Interview for the Advt. No. 110/2019-20, Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2 up to 10.12.2021 :- CLICK HERE