High Court of Gujarat English & Gujarati Stenographer Select List & Wait List 2021

[ANSWER KEY] Questions with

Provisional Answers of the Written Test

(Objective Type – MCQs) held on

27/06/2021 for Direct Recruitment to the

Post of English Stenographer Grade-Il on the establishment of the High Court of

Gujarat. [87/202122

No.RC/B/1304/2020(EST-II)] NEW

Click here to answers key]

 NOTICE: DISTRICT JUDGE 25% Preliminary Examination to be conducted on 24/07/2021 [NO.RC/1250/2020 82/201920]

is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) and the Test for Gujarati Language for the aforesaid Recruitment Process shall be conducted on 24/07/2021 (Closed Saturday) in the L.J.College Campus, S.G.Highway, Sarkhej, Ahmedabad. The reporting time for the examination is 08:00 am.

The individual call letters will be made available for download from 17/07/2021 onwards on the High Court websites. The concerned Candidates shall go through the "SOP for conducting Examination : In the context of COVID-19" annexed herewith and ensure strict adherence of the same.

Registrar (Recruitment & Finance)

Date: 28/06/2021

SOP for conducting Examination: In the context of COVID-19 (In addition to the SOP prevailing at the relevant time)

The generic preventive measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed to reduce the risk of COVID-19. These measures need to be observed by all the concerned at the Examination Venue at all times. Any activity/event that can lead to overcrowding may strictly be prohibited.

ii. Entrance to have mandatory hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser) and thermal screening provisions. Multiple gates/separate gates, if feasible, should be used for entry and exit.

All Candidates reporting for the Examination will be subjected to thermal temperature screening. If the temperature of the Candidate is beyond the prescribed temperature limits, he/she will not be permitted to enter the Examination premises.

Notice read below link 

click here

for Recruitment to the post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade – I 

on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.

[NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (GST-I) 88/202122

Candidates who have qualified in the Stenography Skill Test and are found eligible to be called for Viva-Voce Test, for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the Detailed Advertisement dated 19/04/2021   :- CLICK HERE

preliminary examination date 27/07/2021

call latter download start date 17/07/2021

No Risk certificate is compulsorClass-

Provisional Answer Key for GPSC/202021/70 - Assistant Professor, Computer Science in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2

જવાબ સાથે પ્રશ્નપત્ર જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Provisional Answer Key Paper-1 for GPSC/202021/24 - Range Forest Officer, Class-2

જવાબ સાથે પ્રશ્નપત્ર જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

High Court of Gujarat English & Gujarati Stenographer Select List & Wait List 2021

SELECT LIST of candidates for Recruitment to the post of English Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (EST-II) 87/202122]

WAIT LIST of candidates for Recruitment to the post of English Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (EST-II) 87/202122]

SELECT LIST of candidate for Recruitment to the post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade – I on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (GST-I) 88/202122]

WAIT LIST of candidate for Recruitment to the post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade – I on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat[NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (GST-I) 88/202122]