DHS Bhavnagar Recruitment for Senior Tuberculosis Supervisor Post 2021

 District Health Society (DHS) Bhavnagar has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts 2020. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below in the advertisement.


District Health Society - NTEP, Bhavnagar has to fill the vacancy by contract system (non-government), the details of which are given below.

Name of Post


Tuberculosis Supervisor

Post-1 | (Gariyadhar), Fix Salary - Rs. 18000

Essential Qualification / Requirements

1. Bachelor's Degree or

Recognized Sanitary Inspector's course | 2. Certificate course in computer operation (minimum 2 months)

Preferecutial Qualification

1. Tuberculosis health visitor's recognized course

2.Govt. recognized degree / diploma in Social work or Medical Social work fer insp nu deep 3. Successful completion of basic training course (Govt. recognizedfor Muid-purpose health workers.

3 / Per Dindaice secamitamery Inmhe Cruosi tary coursin l'ary coursse 1, "sun conoscin cortiorurclects,

                Sccister Application with certified copy of all educational qualification marksheet and degree certificate, experience, age, base certified copies and recent photograph signed by himself at the top of the application District Tuberculosis Officer, District Tuberculosis Center, Sir T. Hospital Compound, Bhavnagar will have to send the advertisement from Register AD in 10 days from the date of publication. 
                An application with incomplete details and an application received after the expiry of the period will be eligible for cancellation. If the appointment is based on an agreement, no other rights will be eligible. Other conditions as prescribed by the Government will apply to the candidates. The Chairman, DHS NTEP Bhavnagar has the right to decide whether to recruit for this post or not and all other decisions.

see the full advertisement in this below link