Gpssb multi purpose health worker (mphw) question paper 2022

 Gpssb multi purpose health worker (mphw) question paper 2022

Important date

 Application start date - 16/05/2022

 Application last date - 31/05/2022

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 Name of the post

 Multipurpose health worker

 Total number of the vecancy


 Education qualification

Candidate shall - 

(i) have successfully completed minimum one year Multi 

Purpose Health Worker basic course certificate or Diploma 

course obtained from the education institution recognised 

as such by the Government; or


(ii) have minimum one year sanitary Inspectors Diploma Course 

 obtained from education institution recognised as such by 

 the Government; or 

(iii) have minimum one year certification course of Health 

 Sanitary Inspector from Industrial Training Institute or any 

 other institute recognized as such by the Government; or

(iv) have passed the Diploma of sanitary Inspectors or Health 

 Sanitary Inspector obtained from any of the Universities 

established or incorporated by or under the Central or a 

state Act in india; or any other education institutions 

recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a university 

under section 3 of University Grants Commission Act,1956. 

A candidate shall-

Rule-3(v) possess the basic knowledge of computer Application as 

 prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and 

 Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967; and 

Rule-3(vi) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Age limit

A candidate shall not be less than 18 years and not be more than 34 

years of age:

Examination syllabus

General Awareness and General 

Knowledge *


2. Gujarati Language and Grammar 15 GUJARATI

3. English Language and Grammar 15 ENGLISH

4. Questions assessing the requisite 

knowledge for the job and 

technical knowledge with regard 

to the educational qualification.

Important Link 

NotificationClick Here

Apply Online: Click Here

More Details: Click Here

 Exam schedule :- CLICK HERE

 Duplications region rejected application candidate instruction :- CLICK HERE

 Duplication reason rejected application candidate list  :- CLICK HERE

List of Rejected applications due to non payment of fee in respect of General category. :- CLICK HERE

 Important instruction of rejected application due to non payment of fee in respect of general category :- CLICK HERE

Mphw call letter download instruction :- CLICK HERE

 Call letter download start date :- 16/06/2022

 Download your call letter :- CLICK HERE

Gpssb multi purpose health worker (mphw) question paper 2022

Gpsssb mphw question paper Download :-CLICK HERE

Exam date :- 26/06/2022

More question papar :- CLICK HERE