Gpssb female health worker List of Rejected Applications Due to NON Payment of Fee in Respect of General Category 2022

savji chaudhary
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   Gpssb female health worker  List of Rejected Applications Due to NON Payment of Fee in Respect of General Category 2022

Name of the post

 Female health worker

 Class 3

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Only મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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 Advertisement number  16/2021-2022

 Number of the vacancy


 Important date

 Application form start date :- 26/04/2022

 Application form last date :- 10/05/2022

 Application fees last date :- 12/05/2022

 Education qualification 

 Rule 3 

To be eligible for appointment by direct selection to the post of Female 

Health Worker (Class III) (Panchayat Service), 

A candidate Shall- 

(a) not be less than 18 years and not more than 41 years of age; 

(See para 13.2 of this advt) 

 (b) have passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination; 

 (c) have passed- 

(i) the Female Health Worker’s Basic Training Course recognised

 by the Government , or

(ii) the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Course, recognised by the

 Government and have been registered by the Nursing 

 Council ;

 (d) possess the basic knowledge of computer application equivalent 

 to Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) of Department of 

 Electronic Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) 

 Society or of the level as may be prescribed by the government, 

 from time to time’

 Age limit

40 + 01

 Salary per month

19950 fix five year 

 Application fees

 General category :- 100 rupees

 Other category  :- no fees


 Examination syllabus

1. General Awareness and General Knowledge * 20 GUJARATI

2. Gujarati Language and Grammar 15 GUJARATI

3. English Language and Grammar 15 ENGLISH

4. Questions assessing the requisite knowledge for the 

job and technical knowledge with regard to the educational qualification.


One Hour (60 Minutes)

“General Awareness and General Knowledge” include questions related to – 

1. General Mental Ability and General Intelligence. 

2. History of India and History of Gujarat. 

3. Cultural heritage of India and Gujarat. 

4. Geography of India and Geography of Gujarat 

5. Sports. 

6. Indian Polity and the Constitution of India. 

7. Panchayati Raj. 

8. Welfare schemes of Gujarat State and Union Government. 

9. Indian Economy and Planning. 

 10. General Science, Environment and Information & Communication 


 11. Current affairs of Regional, National and International Importance. 

NOTE: The question papers shall be of objective type MCQs(multiple choice 


 Important link

Short advertisement CLICK HERE

Details advertisement CLICK HERE

Official website CLICK HERE

How to apply

 Online apply :- CLICK HERE

 Exam schedule:- CLICK HERE

ડુપ્લીકેશનના કારણસર રીજેકટ કરેલ અરજીઓની યાદી :- CLICK HERE

ડુપ્લીકેશનના કારણસર રીજેકટ કરેલ અરજીઓ અંગેની ઉમેદવારો માટેની સૂચના :- CLICK HERE

Notice regarding applications rejected for non-payment of fees of general category candidates :-CLICK HERE

List of Rejected Applications Due to NON Payment of Fee in Respect of General Category :- CLICK HERE

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