Gpssb Deputy accountant final answer key 2022

savji chaudhary
1 minute read

  Gpssb Deputy accountant final answer key  2022

Name of the post


Deputy Accountant

Vacancy :- 191

Detailed advertisement click here

 Important date

 Online application  start date :- 11/01/2022

 Online Application last date :- 27/01/2022

Age limit

 Education qualification

 Application free

(Read full advertisement )

Gujarat Panchayat Nawa Padri Mandal, Gandhinagar Dhyana Paththat Ava Vargak is called for online portfolio from 11/01/2022 to 27/01/2022 to reduce the number of candidates in the following categories. For this SI Tully star work on Sombai is not bound to be done. The area for direct recruitment of contestants has to be determined. A detailed advertisement showing the response notice has been placed in the free netik sub as well as the congregation's web ue tendon dates) and Pavav Dham Ghat.

Note- (1) The Board may, subject to the instructions of the Surrey, increase or decrease the number of the above posts as it deems necessary.

(2) The Board reserves the right to do so in the event of a need to change or cancel any of the reasons for the announcement of the recruitment process and the Board shall have no reason to do so.

(4) Candidates are advised not to wait till the last day to apply online and confirm the online application form as soon as possible.

As well as getting confirmation number by filling online application.

Exam time table :- CLICK HERE

Exam date change

Important Link 

Advertisement :- CLICK HERE

Online apply :- CLICK HERE

 Call latter  download  :- CLICK HERE

 Download question paper :- CLICK HERE

Exam date 08/05/2022

More question DOWNLOAD :- CLICK HERE


Provisional answer key :- CLICK HERE

 Final answer Key :- CLICK HERE

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