GCRI Recruitment 2022 for Account Officer, Deputy Director & Radiation Safety Officer Posts

 Name of the post 

1 Deputy Director for GCRI

 Education qualification

 Assist Director GCRI in healthcare Professional's education programme. 

 Receive periodic feedbacks from various departments. 

 Oversee development of an instructional plan (course outline or syllabus) for the course(s). 

 Provide senior level administrative leadership in areas of curriculum development, student assessment and academic engagements such as Journal clubs, Seminars, Case presentations, CMES etc. 

 Academic monitoring of the pre-clinical and para-clinical departments. 

 Organise extracurricular activities e.g. Sports, cultural etc. of students and faculties.

 Name of the post 

2 Account Officer Cl-II for GCRI

Education qualification

(a) have a bachelor's degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognised by the Government; 

(b) have about three years experience 1n the field of administrative work in the Government / Government undertaking / Board / Corporation I Local bodies I University or Limited Company established under the Companies Act, 2013 on the post which can be considered equivalent to the post not below the rank of Head Clerk, Class III in the State Government; 

(c) possess the basic knowledge of computer application prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules 1967; and 

(d) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Name of the post 

3 Radiation Safety Officer for Siddhpur (SCCC)

 Education qualification

(i) a post graduate degree in Physics from a recognised university; 

(ii) a Post M.Sc. diploma in radiological/medical physics from a recognised university; and 

(iii) an internship of minimum 12 months in a recognised well-equipped radiation therapy department. 


(i) a basic degree in science from a recognized university, with physics as one of the main subjects; 

(ii) a post graduate degree in radiological/medical physics from a recognised university; and 

(iii) an internship of minimum 12 months in a recognised well-equipped radiation therapy department. 


an approval from the competent authority to function as Radiological Safety Officer.

name of the post Deputy Director account officer and Radiation Safety Officer
last date to send application 07/06/2022
selection mode interview
location Gujarat India
official website https://www.gcriindia.org/

How to Apply 

Applications are invited for vacant post at GCRI. Candidates may apply upto 07-06-2022, Tuesday 17:00 hrs. Application forms downloaded from our website and filled form all documents and then send all Photocopies of all educational qualifications, experience certificates, registration & attempt certificates duly self attested along with one recent color passport size photograph to be submitted by the post/ Courier/ by Hand/ Register AD to The Director, The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad – 380016.

Application Form should be submitted along with documents mention 1 to 12 below 

otherwise Application Form will be outrightly rejected. 

 Application Form 

 Detailed Bio-data. 

 Adhar Card/ PAN Card. 

 School Leaving Certificate / Birth Certificate. 

 S.S.C, H.S.C Passing Certificate & Marksheet 

 Caste Certificate. 

 Income Certificate for EWS (Economically Weaker Section) Quota.

 All educational qualifications with Photocopies of Mark Sheets. 

 Degree Certificate. 

 All Experience Certificates. 

 NOC from Present Employer.

 Important link

Advertisement :- CLICK HERE

Application form :- CLICK HERE

Official website  :- CLICK HERE

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