PHC UPHC Gandhinagar recruitment 2022 for various post 2022

 selection process


 job profile

 District Program Management Unit-1 District Health Society District Panchayat Sector 17 Gandhinagar and under National Health Mission and Gujarat Health Project on a very temporary basis the following vacancies have to be filled.

 All the candidates with academic qualifications along with copies of required certificates should be present in the interview on the date specified.

 Place of interview

 Gandhinagar in front of Taluka Health Office Sector 15 Garden

Registration time on interview day is 10:00 to 12:00

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Only મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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 name of the post

 AYUSH Medical Officer

 salary per month

25000 / -

education qualification

 Bachelor of Homeopathy Ayurvedic

 Gujarat Council registration should be mandatory

 Entry must be completed and registration with the Council Board must continue as is

 Age limit 40 years

 Interview Date: - 09/06/2022

name of the post

  Pharmacist (at taluka level)


  salary per month

13000 / -

education qualification

  Must have a degree or diploma in pharmacy course from a university in government

  Pharmacy Council registration should be mandatory

  Age limit 40 years

  Interview Date: - 09/06/2022

name of the post

 Staff Nurse Brothers Primary Health Center

  salary per month

13000 / -

education qualification

  Must have done BSc degree in Nursing or Diploma in GNM from a government recognized institute

  Narasimha's council registration should be mandatory


  Age limit 45 years

  Interview Date: - 10/06/2022

name of the post

  fhw anm (uphc)

  salary per month

11000 / -

education qualification

The course of FHW / ANM should be done from an institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.

Must be registered with Gujarat Nursing Council

Basic Computer Cell Certificate

This post is for female candidates only

  Age limit 45 years

  Interview Date: - 10/06/2022

name of the post

 Midwifery (UPHC)

 salary per month

30000 / -

education qualification

 Basic BSc Nursing Degree from an institution recognized by the Nursing Council of India


Post basic bsc nursing degree from an institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council


 Must have a Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery from an institution recognized by the Nursing Council of India or Gujarat Nursing Council and a Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing Practitioner from an institution recognized by the Nursing Council of India.

 Age limit 40 years

 Interview Date: - 10/06/2022

 If the posts are based on contract, the Government from time to time will not be entitled in any way as per the instruction of Shri.

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