Van Rakshak(Forest guard) exam center change notification 2022

 Department Name

Leading Conservator of Forests and Head of Forest Force, State of Gujarat, Gandhinagar

Advertisement No .: FOREST / 201819/1


Important announcement to download call letter

Advertisement No .: FOREST / 201819/1

Name of the post

“Forest Guard” Class-3 Cadre

Exam date and time

Written competitive examination will be held on 27/03/2022 from 12:00 to 14:00 in the afternoon.

Call latter download website Relevant candidates can submit their Online Admission Form - Attendance Form (Call Letter and Instructions for Candidates) Website

 call letter start date and time

To download accurately from 17:00 hrs on 17/03/2022 to 12:00 hrs on 27/03/2022,

contract website

Further details / instructions regarding this recruitment will not be advertised in the newspapers. Forest Department website and Ojas website so Candidates are requested to keep an eye on it.

Great decision of the government for the youth of the state

Direct recruitment will be done for a total of 4 posts of forest ranger class-3 owned by forest department. Forest Minister Shri Kirit Singh Rana

Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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Decision to start this recruitment process soon, which was postponed due to unavoidable circumstances in the year 2018.


After the completion of the recruitment process for 4 vacancies, a brand new recruitment process will also be carried out for direct recruitment to fill the vacancies: Minister of State Shri Jagdish Vishwakarma ...

Making an important decision of the government for the youth of the state, the Minister of Forests, Shri Kirit Singh Rana said that it has been decided to carry out a total of 6 posts of Forest Guard Class-3, which were postponed due to unavoidable circumstances in the year 2018, through direct recruitment. Minister of State for Forests Shri Jagdish Vishwakarma has added that after the completion of the recruitment process for these 6 posts, a brand new recruitment process for direct recruitment to fill the vacancies has been started.

The process of filling up a total of 3 direct recruitment posts of forest ranger class-3 was postponed due to unavoidable reasons. The state government has decided to take up the postponed recruitment process in the interest of the youth. In this forthcoming recruitment process, the applications of the applicants who were declared valid during the previous recruitment process of the previous year 2016 will be considered valid regardless of the current age of the applicants. Applicants who had applied as a candidate in the "General Category" in the previous recruitment process of the previous year, if they want to avail the benefit of "Economically Weak Class" category, they should be given 10 (ten) days to fill in these details on "Online Job Application System" (OJAS). Is coming. Candidates in the general category who want to avail the benefit of the economically weaker class category will have to upload the details of the "Economically Weak Class Certificate" on the Online Job Application System (OJAS) of the competent authority recognized on 01-08-203.

 Download your call letter :- CLICK HERE
Correction regarding full name and address of Forest Ranger, Class-3 Direct Recruitment Examination Center :- CLICK HERE

Notice for change in center for baithak no 1052261 to 1052860 (Forest, BG Bharti exam 27th march) :- CLICK HERE

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