Gpsc bharti calendar 2022

 Gujarat Public Service Commission


Advertising program to be published during the year 2022

The following is the program proposed by Gujarat Public Service Commission for advertisements to be published during the year 2022 for recruitment through direct recruitment / competitive examination for various posts.

For more information candidates can visit the Commission's website and or follow the Commission's Twitter Handle @ GPSC_OFFICIAL 'or the Commission's Android platform based mobile application Candidates are advised to use 'GPSC (Official)':

Instructions for candidates:

1. The above dates of advertisement publication and primary main examination are probable. The Commission shall have the unfettered right to announce or change the date of examination of other candidates in the examinations of other recruitment boards or in more than one examination and in case of non-finalization of recruitment rules or in any exceptional circumstances.

2. The number of vacancies currently indicated by the Commission is indicated. The number of vacancies in the advertisement is likely to fluctuate as shown by the departments of the Government in their demand form.

3. Depending on the number of candidates, the primary test will be 'OMR' based or Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT).

4. The OMR Sheet of each candidate will be posted on the Commission's website on or after the day of examination depending on the number of candidates.

5. In case of direct recruitment, preliminary test will be conducted by the Commission. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria set by the Commission in the preliminary test and satisfy the provisions laid down in the recruitment rules in the advertisement will be called for a face to face interview. The final selection of candidates will be done by calculating the marks of the preliminary test and face to face interview. Other matters will be shown in the detailed advertisement regarding recruitment.

6. The dates of the main examination for the advertised advertisements will be announced later and on that basis the probable mass of the face-to-face interview will be announced.

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