Applications are invited from candidates having qualifications as well as experience etc. for the following vacancies and potential vacancies (subject to competent approval) in Vadodara Municipal Corporation. :
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Other Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ
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Name of the place
Revenue Officer
Number of seats: - 06
Salary scale
(Pay Matrix 44900 - 142400)
'Qualification / experience
1. Preference will be given to the employees of the corporation whose educational qualification is 50% graduates of any branch of the recognized university as well as computer training.
2. At least 5 years experience of clerk or upper cadre in any branch of the corporation.
3. Must have passed the account examination. Vigilance / departmental investigation or ACB Investigations should not be costly.
Name of the place
Sub Sanitary Inspector
Number of seats: -13
Salary scale
Seventh Pay Commission (Pay Matrix 25500-81100)
Qualification / Experience
1. SSC pass
2. Sen, Insp, Diploma Course Pass
3. Preference will be given to the graduate candidate.
4. Computer savvy will be preferred.
5. The substitute job of the employee should be at least 5 years.
Name of the place
Ward Officer
Number of spaces
01 (non-reserved)
Salary scale
Seventh Pay Commission (Pay Matrix 53100-1678000)
Qualification / Experience
1. Graduate in any subject should be 50% or more.
2. Departmental Examination and LSGD. Must have passed the exam.
3. 15 years administrative experience in any branch of the corporation.
Employees of Vadodara Municipal Corporation with the prescribed qualification and experience of a Ward Officer may wish to apply for the above post.
important date
Apply by 28/02/2022 with the opinion of the account officer by including the original copies of the required certificates.
How to Apply
Application forms should be obtained from the General Administration Department during office hours. Outdated applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
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