SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination 2021 Notification

Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2021

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Important date

Dates for submission of online applications 01-02-2022 to 07-03-2022

Last date and time for receipt of online 

applications 07-03-2022 (23:00)

Last date and time for making online fee payment 08-03-2022 (23:00)

Last date and time for generation of offline 

Challan 09-03-2022 (23:00)

Last date for payment through Challan (during 

working hours of Bank) 10-03-2022

Dates of ‘Window for Application Form 

Correction’ and online payment of Correction 


11-03-2022 to 15-03-2022 (23:00)

Schedule of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I) May, 2022

Dates of Tier-II Examination (Descriptive Paper) To be notified late

Pay Scale:

1.1 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA): Pay Level-2 (Rs. 


1.2 Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA): Pay Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100).


2.1 Vacancies will be determined in due course. Updated vacancy position will be 

uploaded on the website of the Commission (>Candidate’s Corner-

> Tentative Vacancy).

Name of the post 

Data Entry Operater Division A

Lower Division Clerk (LDC) / 

Junior Secretarial Assistant

Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant

Explanation: An ‘ex-serviceman’ means a person:

6.7.1 Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the 

Regular Army, Navy or Air Force of the Indian Union, and

i. who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service 

whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning 

his or her pension; or

ii. who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable 

to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded 

medical or other disability pension; or

iii. who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in 


How to apply

10.1 Applications must be submitted in only online mode at the website of SSC 

Headquarter i.e. For detailed instructions, please refer to 

Annexure-III and Annexure-IV. Sample proforma of One-time Registration and 

online Application Form are attached as Annexure-IIIA and Annexure-IV Are electives 

10.2 In the online Application Form, candidates are required to upload the scanned colour 

passport size photograph in JPEGs format (20 KB to 50 KB). The photograph 

should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the 

Notice of Examination. Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm 

(width) x 4.5 cm (height). The photograph should be without cap, spectacles and both ears should be visible.

Application Fee:

11.1 Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only).

Scheme of Examination:

14.1 The examination will consist of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I), Descriptive 

Paper (Tier-II) and Skill Test/ Typing Test (Tier-III). 

14.2 In the question papers, wherever necessary, the metric systems of weights and measures will be used.

14.3 The dates of examinations indicated in the Notice are tentative. Any change in the schedule of examinations will be informed to candidates only through the website of the Commission.

14.4 There shall be no provision for re-evaluation/ re-checking in the examination. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

Notification: Click Here

Apply Online: Click Here

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