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National Health Mission, Gujarat Advertisement for Recruitment on Contractual Basis
District TB Center, Nadiad, District Kheda requires following Project Personnel on contract basis.
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મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ
Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ
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Name of the post
Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS)
Education qualification
Essential Qualification/Requirements
1. Bachelor's Degree OR Recognized sanitary Inspector's course
2.Certificate course in computer operation (minimum 2 months).
3. Permanent two wheeler driving license & should be able to drive two Wheeler Preferential C al Qualification
1.Tuberculosis health visitor's recognized course Govt. Recognized degree/ diploma in Social I work or Medical Social work
2. Successful completion of basic training course (Govt. recognized) for Multi-purpose health workers
Name of the post
Lab Technician
Education qualification
1.Intermediate (10+2) and Diploma or certified course in Medical Sputum Microscopist
Essential Qualification Requirements
Technology or equivalent...
Preferential Qualification
1.One year experience in NTEP or Sputum smear microscopy
2. Candidates with Higher qualification (for example Graduates) shall be preferred
Name of the post
Tuberculosis Health Visitor(TB HV)
Education qualification
Essential Qualification/Requirements
Tuberculosis Health Visitor(TB HV) 2. Intermediate (10+2) in science and experience of Working as
1. Graduate in science OR
MPW/ LHV/ ANM/Health Worker/ Certificate or higher course in
Health Education/Counselling OR
3. Tuberculosis health visitor's recognized course
4 Certificate course in computer operations (minimum two months)
Preferential Qualification
1.Training course for MPW recognized sanitary inspector's course
Name of the post
Senior Tuberculosis laboratory supervisor
Education qualification
Essential Qualification/ Requirements
Tuberculosis 1. Graduate or Diploma in Medical Laboratory technology or laboratory equivalent from a government recognized institution supervisor 2. Permanent two wheeler driving license & should be able to drive (STLS) two wheeler
3. Certificate course in computer operations (minimum two months)
Preferential Qualification
Minimum one year, of experience in NTEP
How to Apply
For above mention posts, only online application will be accepted, link of which will start from Dt.10-02-2022 at 12 A.M. on website will be active up to Dt.24-02-2022 at 11:59 P.M.
Age limit for the above post will be 45 years.
સમગ્ર ગુજરાતમાં હાલમાં ચાલતી મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ ની ભરતી જાણવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Candidate's application will be accepted only online.
Candidate should have 10 (Marksheet and attempt certificate), 12" (Marksheet and attempt
certificate). Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Diploma Degree (Final Marksheet, degree certificate and attempt certificate), Certificates of experience, L.D. proof, Computer certificate course, Permanent two wheeler Driving Licence (for post of only STS and STLS), Passport size photo, Age proof and any other extra certificate must be uploaded online on website.
Preference will be given to the candidate who has experience in the above post.
For more updated detalls related to the recruitment of above mention post please visit above website.
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