District Health Society recruitment various post 20/22

Selection process 
Walk-in interview

District Health Society, Bharuch

The following posts under District Health Society, District Panchayat, Bharuch are to be filled on the basis of 11 months contract.

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મેડિકલ ફીલ્ડ જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


Govt જોબ ની માહિતી આપતો ગુજરાતનો એકમાત્ર ગ્રુપ


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 Interview place 
 Eligible candidates should be present for open interview at the office of the Chief District Health Officer, Health Branch, District Panchayat, Bharuch, including face to face application for copies of Certificates of Eligibility.

In addition, original credentials must be presented for verification during the walk-in interview.

 Date of interview 

For Sr. No. 1 and 2 dated 31/01/2022 and for Sr. No. 3,4 and 5 dated 29/01/2022 will have to appear in person for walk in interview. Application registration for each place will be from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm as well as interview from 14:00 am.

 Name of the post
1. Ayush tabib RBSK ( vacancy -10)
2. Ayush tabib  NHM ( vacancy -10)

 Salary per month

 Education qualification
Candidate must possess degree (BAMS/BSAM) from recognized

colleges/ Universities. Candidate must have valid registration with respective
Ayurved council of Gujarat.

Candidate should have proficiency in gujarati, Hindi and English languages.

Age : Not more than 40 years (ASon Dt. 31-12-2021)

 Name of the post
3.Pharmacist RBSK ( vacancy -2)
4.Pharmacist NHM ( vacancy -2)

 Salary per month

 Education qualification
 Degree in pharmacy, diploma in pharmacy
 Basic knowledge of computer Or ccc
Candidate should have proficiency in gujarati, Hindi and English languages.

Age : Not more than 35 years (ASon Dt. 31-12-2021)

 Name of the post
 5. Lab technician PHC ( vacancy - 2)

 Salary per month

 Education qualification
 Laboratory technician course
Basic knowledge of computer Or ccc
Candidate should have proficiency in gujarati, Hindi and English languages.

Age : Not more than 35 years (ASon Dt. 31-12-2021)

 Important Note
The increase in contract space can be reduced. Only candidates with proper educational qualifications and experience should be present in the interview. Candidates will not be allowed to appear in the interview without copies of Certificate of Eligibility and Certificate of Experience which candidates should take special note of.

District Health Society recruitment various post 20/22

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