RMC account clerk recruitment 2021

Institution Name 
Announcement regarding Rajkot Municipal Corporation recruitment Applications are invited only through online till Tuesday 26/10/2021 to fill the vacancy as mentioned below in Rajkot Municipal Corporation.

 name of post
 Account clerk

Total vacancy :- 15

Education qualification
B.Com / B.B.A from recognized Uni. And one year PGDCA or equivalent Computer Uni. Accredited course pass.

Salary scale
Fixed salary for five years Rs.19950- and after five years of satisfactory service Considering the need of space, pay matrix, level-3, Rs.19900-62200 / - will be considered as per the seventh pay commission.

Age limit: 18 to 30 years

Important date
Start online form submission date :- 12/10/2021
Last date submitted form :- 26/10/2021

For reserved class and women: Candidates of reserved class will be given five years relaxation in the upper age limit.

If a woman candidate applies for a reserved class seat, she will be given a five-year exemption and a five-year women's reserve for a total of 10 years. As per the norms of the Government, there will be a maximum limit of 45 years.

The upper age limit will not be applicable to the employees of Rajkot Municipal Corporation.

Important Link 

Apply online :- CLICK HERE
Advertisement :- CLICK HERE
For more information, download Annexure-A (Instruction Sheet) from the website www.rmc.gov.in and get the details.
RMC account clerk recruitment 2021
Rajkot municipality recruitment 2021

Online apply date extension


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