PDU hospital Rajkot medical officer staff nurse recruitment 2021

 Walk-in interview

Date 26/10/2021

Divisional Deputy Director, Health and Medical Services, Rajkot Division District Early Intervention Center under Rajkot, P.D.U. The following vacancies at Hospital, Rajkot are to be filled with contract based monthly fixed salary.

1) Medical Officer (Dental)

4 BDS course from a recognized university.

(Fixed Wage Rs. 25,000 / - per Mass Consolidated)

2) Dental Technician -

1-2 year old dental technician cell from a recognized university.

(Fixed Wage 12,000 / - per Mass Consolidated)

3) Staff Nurse: -

G.N.M. Bachelor Degree Accredited Nursing Council of Gujarat Registration

(Fixed Wage Rs.13,000 / - per Mass Consolidated)

Interview place

All the above vacancies will be filled as per rule subject to contract based recruitment terms and conditions for 11 months from monthly fixed salary. No other allowances and financial benefits will be paid. Candidates with the above mentioned educational qualifications should submit their required CV, certified copies of documents and original certificate to the office of the Medical Superintendent, P.D.U. Hospital Jamnagar Road, Rajkot. Screening tests may also be held depending on the situation,

Candidate on 26-10-21 from 09:30 am to 11:30 am

Registration must be done by Registered and Qualified

Candidates will be interviewed orally. All of the above

All rights and final decision to fill the vacancy are vested in the Interview Committee P.D.U. The hospital will be in Rajkot.

PDU hospital Rajkot medical officer staff nurse recruitment 2021

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