IPR Recruitment for Clerk Post 2021

 The Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) is an Aided Institute of Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of 

India devoted to research and development activities in the areas of Basic Plasma Physics, Magnetic 

Confinement Fusion and Industrial & Societal applications of plasmas. IPR is located in Bhat, Gandhinagar 

and also has extensions of its Laboratories at GIDC, Sector – 25, Gandhinagar and has a Centre at Guwahati

 Last date of online apply submission form

15/11/2021 (till 5.30 P.M

ADVT NO. 07/2021

 Name of the post :- clerk

 Total vacancy :- 5

 Salary :- Level 2 of Pay Matrix and Initial basic Pay ₹ 19,900/- p.m. (As 

per 7th CPC)

 Age limit

For ST candidates, age not exceeding 30 years (Including age 


For OBC candidates, age not exceeding 28 years (Including age 


 For Un-reserved (UR) candidates, age not exceeding 25 years.

Essential qualifications and 


1. Graduate from a recognized University. 

 2. Certified course in Computer. 

 3. One year relevant experience related to work given in “Job 


Job Description

The selected candidate will be required to do routine duties

related to General Administration, Establishment, Accounts, Purchase and Stores.


The prescribed Essential Qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not 

entitle candidates to be called for written test.

Method of selection 

The selection process involves two levels of tests named as Level-1 Test and Level-2 Test

Level – 1 Test:

1. General Knowledge / Awareness

2. General English 

3. Elementary Maths / Numerical 

4. Computer & Reasoning

Level-2 Test shall be of Descriptive nature, including letter writing and document preparation on Computer.

Final Selection

Final Selection shall be on the basis of marks secured in Level-2 Test.


1. General/OBC   :- 200/- 

2. SC/ST/Female/PwBD/EWS/ 

Ex-Serviceman  :- Nil

IPR Recruitment for Clerk Post 2021



Interested candidates are requested to apply onliHindi

 Institute’s website 

http://www.ipr.res.in/documents/jobs_career.html by 15/11/2021 (till 5.30 P.M).

In case of any issue in filing online application, kindly contact – recruitment@ipr.res.in

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