Indian Oil Corporation Limited Anaesthetist ENTSonologist 4 Dental Surgeon recruitment 2021

 Engagement of part-time Visiting Medical Consultants at Gujarat Refinery Hospital

The Gujarat Refinery township at Vadodara has a well-equipped 24-bedded Hospital with a dedicated Occupational Health Centre. To provide specialised consultation of Doctors, applications are invited for the posts of Part-time Consultants in Gujarat Refinery Hospital as under:

Name of the Post/ Specialist




Dental Surgeon

Post Graduate degree with Experience in the relevant field.

Minimum Qualification and Experience (as on 05.10.2021)

a) BDS or MDS from recognized University b) Registered with Dental Council of India.

c) Two years relevant clinical experience in a

reputed dental clinic/ Hospital/Medical college after graduation.

Mode of Selection-Selection on basis of Personal Interaction.

Date of Personal Interaction: Sr. No. 01 to 03-13.10.2021

(Wednesday) from 02:00 PM to 5:00 PM Sr. No. 04-14.10.2021 (Thursday) from

10:00 AM to 01:00 PM & from

02:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Place of Personal Interaction: Occupational Health Centre, Gujarat Refinery Hospital, Vadodara-391320

Working Hours-Part Time Consultants/Specialists shall be required to work 2 to 4 hrs. per day for 1 to 5 days in a Week depending on the requirements of Gujarat Refinery Hospital.

Period of Engagement-Initially for 1 year which may be reduced depending on visit pattern of patients.

or extended Interested Doctors meeting the above Minimum Qualification & Experience criteria (as on 05.10.2021) are invited for "Walk-In-Interview" with latest passport size photograph and Original as well as attested photocopies of all the Certificates of educational qualification, experience and Registration certificate.

Important Note: Doctors who will be travelling from other state (other than Gujarat) will have to carry COVID RTPCR negative report from the place of origin of travel not earlier than 72 hrs at Gujarat Refinery hospital for appearing in personal interaction.

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