Laboratory technician and X Ray technician admission open Medical College Bhavnagar 2021


To get admission in the 8th Laboratory and X-Ray Technician one year training course to be started soon at Government Medical College, Bhavnagar from 27/09/21 to 06/10/21 evening 5-00 pm during office hours The prescribed sample applications are invited from the candidates with the required educational qualifications and qualifications.

Educational Qualification:

For Laboratory Technician: -

 B. S. C. Candidates in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology will be given first preference. Apart from this, B.Sc. Students will be able to apply.

For X-ray Technician: B.Sc. Students who have passed the exam will be able to apply. (Candidates in Physics subject will be given first preference.)

 Age: - Must be within 18 to 6 years on the date of advertisement. (ST / SC / OBC) Candidates in the reserved category will be given relaxation in the age limit as per the prevailing rules of the Government.

As per the prevailing rules of the Government, out of the total seats, seats will be reserved for the candidates belonging to the reserved category and for the disabled as per the rules.

The selected candidate will have to undergo full time training in the training departments in the college here. Accommodation will not be provided to the trainee. When the training time is over, the exam has to be passed as per the rules.

How to Apply

The application form for admission can be downloaded from and the application can be filled in person along with all the required certificates. Forms will not be accepted by post / courier. Incomplete details as well as late applications will not be considered. It is mandatory to fill the online goggle form along with the above application form, the link of which is available on the above website. Amendments to the Government's Resolutions from time to time shall be binding on each candidate.

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